Business Horoscope August 06 to August 12

Make the most of the relative calm on the professional front this week, both in terms of any work/balance pressure you may have experienced in the past and will do in the future, but also the slower pace. When the Sun returns to your work sector on the 23rd August this will kick off what is in an ordinary year the busiest and most work focused weeks or months of any given year. However, this is not an ordinary year and you’ve already had Mars spend 8 months in your work sector. With Pluto not turning direct in your career sector until next month and any work/life balance pressures holding off for now, before things once again get busy give yourself permission to glide a little, pacing yourself and at the same time recharging your batteries ahead of the next round.
Last week’s Full Moon in your career sector did far more than give you with a tail wind and a chance to ride the momentum this created. This is likely to have unleashed the professional dreams and aspirations that have been gathering dust, providing a new source of motivation and a chance to catch your second wind. Fuelled by the desires that Venus is evoking, the laws of attraction she’s attracting in her final days in your income sector, before leaving on Wednesday and with Mars and Saturn drawing closer to their last alignment in your work sector for another 30 years, you’re ready to put everything you have into everything you do. With Mars due to leave your work sector on the 24th August, it’s time to tap into your inner warrior and do whatever it takes to bring things up to speed.
As you move into the new week the Moon is just wrapping up his visit to your career sector and while he’ll leave on Monday, it’s important to hold onto the professional instincts, hunches and clues he leaves you with. When the Moon returns to your career sector later in the month it will be as a Full Moon and as Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos will be back in your work sector by then, that visit will be a much more intense and proactive visit. It’s the Moon’s last visit before a Full Moon that is destined to bring things on both the career and work fronts to a head or to a tipping or turning point that is the most valuable, for it leaves you with clues and hunches you’re able to mull over and process and professional instincts that will keep you on track until then.
The Moon makes an important visit to your career sector this week, one that is likely to evoke some timely Eureka moments, sharpen your professional instincts and provide the clues and hunches needed to start bringing things home and to start lining things up on the work and income fronts. While Uranus, planet of surprise and synchronicity will remain in your career sector until 2019, continuing to provide the Eureka moments and unexpected developments that will continue to shape your professional rise for years to come, forces on the income and work fronts are falling into place now. During the Moon’s visit to your career sector between Monday and Wednesday he’ll align with Uranus but also reach out to forces on the income and work fronts, providing some valuable hunches on all 3 fronts.
As the work pressures of recent weeks and months recede, you have a chance this week to work behind the scenes, refusing to create challenges where there are none or to put the kind of expectations on yourself that simply aren’t there. With Pluto about to move into his final month in retrograde motion in your work sector he’s slowing down and it’s important for you to do the same. It’s when you’re not rushing and when you’re taking the time to work behind the scenes, that you’re more likely to have the kind of revelations that will give you more leverage than chasing your tail ever could. It’s especially important to pay attention during the Moon’s visit to your career sector from Wednesday to Saturday, with the professional instincts, clues and hunches revealing some surprising insights.
Due to leave your career sector on Wednesday Venus, planet of desire and attraction’s final days are all about cementing your professional desires and expectations, giving you something to aim and to strive for. This is far from the end of the story, for with Jupiter staying on in your career sector until June 2013 and things not really starting to come together until next May, this is simply the end of a phase that is all about defining the professional desires that will keep you motivated. The real journey begins after Venus leaves, with the Moon’s return to your career sector on Saturday giving you a chance to put your professional desires and instincts on the same page and getting your first real sense of how to start walking the talk.
While the Moon will leave your work sector on Monday he’s still here as you move into the new week, making it important to move into your new working week with your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. When the Moon returns later in the month it will be as a Full Moon, with the clues and hunches he leaves you with giving you a chance to start lining up at the right doors before they open. Yet it’s for a more immediate reason that it’s important to keep your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground, for on Wednesday Venus will finally return to your career sector, kicking off a 4 week period aimed at bringing things together on the career front, attracting opportunities and putting your professional year on the track that you want it to continue you.
The Moon’s return to your work sector is always the high point of your month when it comes to getting your bearings, picking up on hunches and clues and also for the Eureka moments that his alignment with Uranus brings. Yet as the Moon and Uranus align in your work sector on Tuesday, which is the day when you’re more likely to experience Eureka moments, Mercury will also be spending his last full day in retrograde motion in your career sector. Bringing things to a standstill, this will force you to stay in the moment, adding extra volume to the clues and hunches you’ll be picking up on. The Moon will leave your work sector just hours after Mercury turns direct in your career sector on Wednesday, creating what is likely to be the turning point of your professional year.
With no planetary activity in either of your professional houses since Jupiter left your work sector in June and Mars left your career sector early last month, you have a chance to let things settle and while things have gone off the boil a little, they’re still simmering away. As the Moon returns to your work sector on Wednesday and until he leaves on Saturday, it’s important to keep your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground, paying attention to the clues and hunches this brings to the surface. This is the Moon’s last visit to your work sector before the South Node returns later in the month and before the Sun returns to your career sector 2 weeks later. This gives you a chance to test the waters and to start lining up at the right doors before they open.
While Mars and Saturn won’t align in your career sector until next week, already Mars’ professional passions and fighting spirit is starting to fuse with Saturn’s resolute sense of purpose. This is forcing you to rein in Mars’ often unwieldy and unfocused professional passions, forcing you to pick your battles wisely, but at the same time giving you the power to move mountains if you have to. Yet as you move into the new week it’s important to listen to your heart, especially when it comes to work matters. With Venus finally leaving your work sector on Thursday, it’s where the heart leads that Jupiter will follow and he’s the powerhouse that will bring everything home. The Moon’s return to your work sector on Saturday will give you a chance to regroup as you move into a new phase.
When the Sun left your work sector last month it was to give you a 17 day breathing space and a chance to make the most of the last days you’ll have to take your professional hat off until Christmas Eve 2014. As you move into the new week it’s already been 15 days since the Sun left and it’s Venus’ return to your work sector on Wednesday that marks the start of what is destined to be a major professional comeback. While Venus is only here for 4 weeks and her visit isn’t going to be game changing, she’ll engage your heart and ensure that when the real power behind this kicks in, in just a few weeks time, that you’re ready for what this opens the door to. It begins with knowing what you want, making it important to listen to your heart from Wednesday onwards, especially on the work front.
Move into your new working week with the handbrake on, refusing to rush or to push things. For while Mercury will turn direct in your work sector on Wednesday, creating a real turning point on the work front, before then he’s still in retrograde motion. Mercury retrograde phases are notorious for mistakes, misunderstandings and mishaps, but the real danger of trying to push through the final days of a retrograde phase, when Mercury himself is slowing down to a standstill, is missing opportunities. With the door to the past not only open on the work front but on the income front as well and the Moon giving you a nose for money in the early days of the week, it’s by slowing down and paying attention that you’ll ensure no stone has been left unturned. – Freepsychicnetwork