Business Horoscope April 30 to May 06

There is a lot of focus on money this week, with the Sun and Jupiter moving closer to their first alignment in your income sector in 12 years, peaking next week and a Full Moon in your financial sector over the weekend. These two events will conflict with each other, with the Full Moon putting pressure on both the Sun and Jupiter. Yet while this may create some financial tension, it will also bring things on both fronts to a head, with the potential for a breakthrough, things reaching a tipping point or just the right amount of pressure providing the right amount of motivation. You can also expect to regain your drive and momentum on the work front this week, hitting your stride by midweek. Yet this is also an important week for communication, especially on the relationship front.
While this week’s Full Moon won’t fall until the weekend, it’s likely to cast a shadow on the whole week, because forces this is likely to challenge are already coming into their own. While the weekend’s Full Moon will fall in your relationship sector, bringing things on the relationship front to a head, this is a Full Moon that plays a vital role in forming the foundations and framework for your new solar year. This is the Full Moon that will always fall at some point during your birthday month, directly challenging both the Sun and you, making sure that you’re not asleep at the wheel or moving into your new solar year on autopilot. For the first time in 12 years the Full Moon will challenge lucky Jupiter as well, with a growing sense that it’s time to wake up and take the wheel.
It’s going to feel this week like you’ve got one foot in the past, another in the here and now and yet another in the future, creating some confusion but in the process giving you a much clearer sense of where you’ve been, where you’re going and what you need and want from the future and right now. At a time when you’re already wrapping up your current solar year there’s a need to step back, chill out and hear yourself think, Mercury’s last full week in a social and serendipitous part of your chart is going to leave little spare time. Even your weekend is likely to be dominated by professional forces, with a Full Moon in your work sector bringing some unexpected developments into play. This makes it important to treat any spare time as precious, guarding it vigilantly.
At the same time that Mercury’s last full week in your career sector is all about tying up loose ends and finalising things to a point where you’ve gained the right momentum and your professional year is on track, you won’t get away with letting time remain lopsided. Yet it’s Mercury’s intellectual savvy that allows you to work smarter, so that you get as much if not more accomplished, but without the excessive hours and focus of the past. If you felt inclined to buy into a superhero complex, chances are you’d be hard pressed to pull it off. You not only have some work/life balance pressures to contend with and social and serendipitous vibes in play all week, but the weekend’s Full Moon in a playful and romantic part of your chart will make it hard to ignore it’s timely message.
Despite the fact that Mercury is spending his last full week in an adventurous part of your chart, professional forces are closing in and by as early as next week this is likely to be all consuming, for a time anyway. While you can’t get away with having a life that is all work and no play all the time, there are times when the forces in play are so opportune and so temporary that this is just the way it’s got to be. That will be the case next week, with a chance this week to at least try and maintain a semblance of balance. You’ll accomplish this by keeping your mind and your options open and by challenging your excuses. There will be times when you have to put your personal life on hold in order to get things done, but there will be times when that needs to be reality checked.
While there is likely to be some tension this week, especially on the personal, relationship and money fronts, this is also a breakthrough week. While things may take a little longer to resolve on the personal and relationship fronts, as you continue to work on reaching the right balance, on the money front things are lining up for a resolution. It’s Mercury’s last full week in your financial sector, where he’s wrapping up the 3 most important financial months of the year, that will put him in opposition with first the Moon and by the weekend Saturn in your income sector. Yet this is the last hurdle you’ll have to face and at it comes just as a strong relationship is forming between income and career forces. The money gods are giving things one last push in order to get you over the line.
What is a defining but also challenging week for money matters, is also a week where communication, especially on the relationship front, is everything. It’s not until the weekend that any financial pressure is likely to hit, with the weekend’s Full Moon in your income sector putting direct pressure on both the Sun and Jupiter in your financial sector. However, this comes just as things are starting to come together on the financial front, with any pressure more about making sure that you’re not asleep at the wheel and also getting anything stuck moving on both the financial and income fronts. It’s Mercury’s last full week in your relationship sector that makes communication important, with the more stressful life gets the more you need to make sure the communication lines are open.
Life is always a bit of a juggling act and this week is no exception. With Mercury spending his last full week in your work sector and the Moon in your career sector in the early days of the week, this is a defining professional week and one where it’s all about tying up loose ends and putting things on the work front on the course that you want them to continue on. Yet as much as you might want to make work and job matters a priority this week and as much as they need to be, life will constantly try and get in the way. For this is also an important week on the relationship, communication, financial and personal fronts, with a need for to balance your priorities. In the meantime, the weekend’s Full Moon marks the halfway point of your solar year and a chance to redefine your priorities.
Your biggest challenge has been finding a balance between work and play, with a need to get it right. Right now, with the Sun and Jupiter moving towards their first alignment in your work sector in 12 years, which will peak later next week and the Moon making his first visit to your career sector since Mars turned direct just a few weeks ago midweek, it looks like your professional life is winning. When Mercury returns to your work sector next week that will be the case, as you enter what will be the most important professional weeks of the year. But until then Mercury is spending his last full week in a playful, creative and romantic part of your chart fighting to maintain a balance while you can. Take a smart approach to finding and maintaining the right balance between work and play.
One look at your chart this week and you can spot the potential but also the challenges, for your biggest problem is that you have almost too much going for you, with more going on than there is of you to spread around. At different points of the week this may create a sense that you’re spreading yourself too thin, which is why you need to move into the week aware of both your limitations and your right to make your own decisions and calls, without having to justify them. The reality is that you can’t be all things to everyone all the time and still be true to yourself and seize the opportunities and potential that you have every reason and right to pursue. Work to find the right work/life balance and the right balance between work and play, forcing everything else to fit into this.
You have a back to front week, with your working week dominated by playful and adventurous forces, yet a weekend that is more professionally charged than any other days in the week by a long shot. Yet that’s the way the stars are playing things this week, with a need to focus on life’s other complexities during the week, ready to put your professional hat on over the weekend. This leaves you free to make the most of what is an important week for home, family and financial matters and for working to ensure that the communication lines are open. It’s the Moon’s return to your career sector on Saturday and the Full Moon this will become that puts a professional vibe over the whole weekend, with some valuable clues to big opportunities on the road ahead.
Sometimes when there is a little too much going on it ends up working to your advantage, for you’re unable to get caught up in any one thing, no matter how intense that is. This is likely to be a challenging week, with pressure on the personal, relationship and financial fronts, yet in every instance there is the potential for a breakthrough. As Mercury spends his last full week in your income sector he’ll go head to head with forces on the financial front, with tension not breaking until at least Sunday if not early next week. However this is the last hurdle you’ll have to face, with a chance for a breakthrough, especially on the income front. In the meantime, relationship pressure midweek creates the potential for a breakthrough, especially if you keep the communication lines open. – freepsychicnetwork