Business Horoscope April 22 to April 28

It seems that whenever there is trouble Pluto is not too far away, but as he spends his second week in retrograde motion in your business sector he’s providing more support than hindrance. For the planet of change and revolution he’s in a more stable phase, actively supporting income forces as they move through a bit of a trial by fire this week. Helping to get your bearings in what is likely to be both a defining week on the income front but also a challenging one, is the Moon’s position in your work sector until Thursday. In a week dominated by financial tension the Moon’s intuitive responses to work matters will help keep things in perspective, though some work tension on Monday could create a case of Mondayitis. Get your professional bearings early in the week and then stand your ground.
With no planetary activity in either of your professional houses and none due until new doors open on the work front midyear, you’re free to play things your own way, using the clues that come your way to your advantage. The Moon’s visit to your work sector midweek is likely to come with a wealth of clues and insight, along with a mix of hindsight and foresight. Coming full circle from last month’s Full Moon in your work sector this is when a lot of things that didn’t make sense before will start falling into context, with many things starting to make sense. However, this is also the Moon’s last visit to your work sector before new doors start to open on the income front in just a few weeks time, making it important to keep your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground midweek.
Take heed of any work/life balance or work tension early in the week and set your pace by them in the lead up to a game changing lunar eclipse in your work sector on Friday. Things might not look too good as you move into the new week, with an opposition between home and business forces and between work and intuitive forces greeting you at the door and possibly creating a severe case of Mondayitis. Yet while the work/life balance is nothing more than a monthly reminder, tension between work and intuitive forces need to be taken seriously, for they’re the forces that will not only go head to head several times this week, but even more so during Friday’s lunar eclipse. As the first lunar eclipse in your work sector since 2005 this could bring things to a head, turning or tipping point.
After the Sun and Mars’ departure from your business sector over the weekend it’s up to Mercury to tie up loose ends, coming in behind the more influential planets to finish what they started and to ensure no stone has been left unturned. With Venus having left earlier last week you’re left with some well defined professional desires, passions and objectives, along with a clear sense of where things stand and what you’re working towards. It’s that gap between knowing where things stand and where you want to be that Mercury comes into his own, with his smart and intellectually savvy edge able to join the dots by helping you to create a game plan or to make informed choices and decisions. However, there’s a reminder to leave room for fate and the laws of synchronicity to operate.
What is one of your most empowered and well supported professional weeks of the year is also likely to be the most challenging. With Venus having returned to your business sector earlier last week and the Sun and Mars over the weekend, you’re moving into the new week with your eyes open and your professional desires and passions engaged and with support from the Moon in your income sector and Pluto in your work sector, you should and are on fire this week. What complicates things is that for the first time in 28 years Saturn is on the other side of the sky, in opposition in your home and family sector and he’s flexing his muscles this week. This is going to bring any work/life balance tensions to a head which need to be taken seriously, with the right balance achievable.
Right now you’re playing the waiting game and with life’s stresses and tensions likely to be high this week, your biggest challenge will be remaining professionally confident, keeping some clear boundaries between your personal and professional lives. This is so important that this would be the ideal time to take time off, go away on holiday or in some way step back from the everyday professional pressures that happen regardless of the cosmic conditions. Another reason why this isn’t a bad idea is that on Friday, the same day that a lunar eclipse is likely to challenge your excuses when it comes to embracing a sense of adventure, you’ll be just 2 weeks away from the start of the most defining professional phase of the year. The more you can come into this refreshed and hungry the better.
Apart from a bit of work pressure on Monday, which may create a case of Mondayitis, there’s a need to keep your personal and professional lives separate. This time it’s not so that you can stop professional pressures seeping into your personal life and more the other way round, in an effort to stop life’s everyday pressures from creating professional pressure, tension or challenges where there are none. Any work pressure on Monday is genuine work pressure, with the Moon’s monthly visit to an intuitive and imaginative part of your chart putting pressure on forces on the work front, for the first time since an active and defining work phase ended just 8 days earlier. Yet the Moon will be gone by Tuesday, leaving behind some valuable wakeup calls, but taking any tension with him.
After the Sun and Mars’ departure from your work sector over the weekend it’s up to Mercury to tie up loose ends and as this smart and intellectually savvy planet is leaving next week, there is a new sense of urgency but a more clear cut approach. The Sun has left you with a clear sense of where things stand on the work front, Mars has left you with a clear sense of what you’re fighting for and Venus, who left earlier last week, has left you with a clear sense of where your heart stands. It’s now up to Mercury to tie all this together, working with you to create a game plan and the choices and decisions that will define things on the work front for the coming year. While there may be some work tension midweek, this is simply the Moon bringing some timely wakeup calls.
In what is likely to be a challenging week on the work front, the Sun, Mars and Venus all find themselves in opposition with Saturn as they move through your work sector, for the first time in 28 years. Venus, who returned to your work sector earlier last week and the Sun and Mars, who both returned over the weekend, have come together to get things moving on the work front, unprepared for the challenge they’re receiving from Saturn. It’s been nearly 30 years since Saturn has been over on the other side of the sky playing devil’s advocate, challenging old beliefs and demanding accountability. Yet with the Moon in your business sector early in the week, sharpening your professional instincts and support from Pluto in your income sector, there’s no reason why you can’t rise to the occasion.
If a Capricorn were to have a theme song it would be ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’, for you face adversity, prevail against unimaginable obstacles and persevere long after the rest of us would have given up, but your biggest challenge now is to scale that back. While you’re great when the going gets tough, harder might be accepting or knowing what to do when the going gets easier and fate starts rolling out the red carpet. With Venus just a few weeks away from her game changing return to your work sector, teaming up with lucky Jupiter to bring things home, your senses will be picking up on the opportunities ahead, already looking for challenges so you can come out fighting. The Moon’s visit to your business sector midweek brings a need to trust your professional instincts.
In the lead up to Friday’s potentially game changing lunar eclipse in your business sector the road is likely to get bumpy, with some work/life balance issues and tension likely to come to a head. The lunar eclipse itself is a Full Moon that is only here because the Sun and Moon are putting your home and business sectors into opposition, so these are tensions that will often rise at this time of year. But as this is the first lunar eclipse in your business sector since 2005 and the first with Saturn’s backup since 1985, the tensions coming to a head this week are likely to be extreme. Yet there is some real incentive to get the balance right, with your professional star still on the rise and even bigger and better opportunities ahead you’ll need this moving forward.
With the Moon having only just left your work sector on Sunday, not only will your instincts still be sharp when it comes to work matters, giving you an edge from the get go, but you’ll only just be starting to process what could have been a case of information overload over the weekend. In any week this would allow you to move into the week with your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground, giving you an advantage from the get go. But as this is Mercury’s last full week in your income sector and after the Sun and Mars left over the weekend you’re now tying up loose ends, this has given you a chance to put your income and work objectives on the same page. This has given a smart head for money clues on what lies ahead on the work front and a chance to factor this in. – Astrolis