Business Horoscope April 2 to April 7

With Pluto slowing down ahead of his retrograde turn in your career sector later next week this should let you hold onto the long weekend feel and a case of Mondayitis this may create. However, there will be no such luxury with the Moon returning to your career sector and his last visit before Pluto turns retrograde requiring your full attention. The Moon’s monthly visit to your career sector will always sharpen your professional instincts and create a chance to get your bearings, but returning during Pluto’s final days in direct motion this gives you a chance to judge when you need to push forward before the tide turns and what can wait, until after the tide turns. Keep your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground midweek, trusting what your gut and instincts are telling you.
Where last week’s Full Moon in your work sector brought things to a head on the work front, you’re left with a clearer sense of where things stand, of anything this triggered and a chance to have exorcised some old ghosts. As the first Full Moon since Saturn left your work sector last October if the challenges of the past were going to return this will have done it. The fact that they probably didn’t and if they did it was in a way that pushed things along has allayed old fears. You’ll have until the Moon returns later in the month and closes the circle to fully process all that the Full Moon triggered. In the meantime, the Moon has moved on and on Thursday will return to your career sector, sharpening your professional instincts and bringing a chance to check that you’re on track.
After last month’s huge focus on your professional game, the Moon’s position in your work sector until Sunday and the long holiday weekend, giving you a chance to put things into perspective, you’re ready to start tying up some loose ends, while remaining aware that the road to success will remain under construction, for not only the rest of this year but for several years to come. Where you are now is in the final 2 weeks of a very active career phase aimed at getting your professional year up to speed and on the right track, a phase that will end when Mercury leaves your career sector at the end of next week. Over the weekend the Moon will join Mercury in your career sector, with your professional instincts kicking in just as you’re tying up loose ends and finalising your game plan.
You will always move into April with the Sun in your career sector, but as you move into the new week and the new month you’re likely to feel more empowered and liberated than you have in several years, with a sense that after being stuck in a holding pattern or stuck behind slow moving traffic for the last 3 years, you’re finally able to hit your stride. You’re not only moving forward with the Sun, Mars, Venus and Uranus in your career sector but with a change in dynamics taking shape. On Monday Venus’ alignment ends and after aligning with and overtaking Uranus last month, she now has Mars in her sights. Over the weekend Venus will catch up with Mars, in what is their first alignment in your career sector in 28 years, putting your professional desires and passions on the same page.
As you move into the new week there is a sense that you’re approaching a changing of the guard, even if it’s only a sense. For on Monday, while Pluto is slowing down ahead of his retrograde turn in your work sector at the end of next week, Venus is just 2 weeks away from your career sector and in her hands are the keys that will unlock the door to the most important professional weeks of 2013. It’s the Moon’s return to your work sector on Tuesday and position here midweek that will give you an intuitive read on Pluto’s final days in direct motion and of where you need to push things through before the tide turns and where you need to wait until after the tide has turned. The doors are preparing to open to second chances on the work front and new opportunity on the career front.
Pay attention to any work/life balance tension at the start of the week, ironically while the long weekend is still playing out. Yet rather than a chastisement for keeping your professional hat on over the long weekend this is more a reminder of the importance of having the right balance, especially with your professional life due to take off in a major way from early next month. It’s been a year since Venus returned to your career sector to set this current journey in motion, with Jupiter taking things to a whole new level. When Venus returns early next month she’ll begin the process of bringing things home and that’s when everything will come together. In the meantime heed any work/life balance issues and keep your finger on the pulse on the work front, especially later days in the week.
A short working week provides a chance to utilise Mercury’s influence, working with this smart and intellectually savvy planet and all the hindsight under your belt to work smarter as you bring things home. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since Mercury returned to your work sector in February for what is normally just over a 2 week visit, but since then the Sun, Mars and Venus have been and gone and the full scope of what’s possible has been revealed. While your work situation will remain a work in progress for the rest of this year and for several more years, with Mercury due to leave later next week it’s time to bring your short term objectives home and to finalise your game plan for the next phase. The weekend will bring a mix of intellectual savvy and an intuitive edge.
With the 1st April falling on a Monday, as you move into the new week you’re also moving into the new month and having the Moon in your income sector is ensuring you get a jump on both, with a nose for money and a clear sense of where the money is. In any week this would be an advantage but this is not just any week, but a week where everything is going to start coming together on the work front. It’s on Monday that Venus will overtake the Sun after their 7 day alignment ends, with your heart having a much greater say in where to from here. Not satisfied with her position behind Mars, Venus wants first place and over the weekend she will align with and begin to overtake Mars, with their first alignment here in 28 years putting your heart, fighting spirit and passions on the same page.
If the long weekend leaves you with a serious case of Mondayitis don’t try and fight it, even if you have trouble shaking it off all week. It’s not the Mondayitis that’s the problem but the attempts to shake it off, when in fact you should embrace. If it’s at all possible extend the long weekend out by taking some extra days off or if that’s not an option, hold something back in reserve, doing what’s required of you without knocking yourself out. Instead the focus this week is on your creative passions and recharging your batteries ahead of the busiest and most frenetic weeks of the year on the work front, which kick off mid month. Once things start to move they’ll do so in a dramatic way, with the focus now more about being match ready, refreshed and ready to hit the ground running.
Any work pressure as you move into the new week, especially with the long weekend still underway, is both a wakeup call and a reminder to pace yourself. Depending on the message you need for your particular situation the Moon’s opposition with Jupiter in your work sector in the early days of the week will deliver it. If you’re already pushing yourself too hard, with the really big opportunities not coming until next month, this will be a reminder to use any down time the long weekend gives you to recharge your batteries, reminding you that you’re in this for the long haul, with some very busy months coming up. If you’re still behind the 8 ball this will provide a hurry up and combined with last week’s Full Moon in your career sector this is a reminder that something big is building.
The Moon only left your career sector on Sunday, so your professional instincts will still be sharp as you move into the new week and month, making it important to keep your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. This includes any work/life balance that has come to a head, with a need to pay attention to any wakeup calls without creating challenges where there are none. This was the Moon’s last visit to your career sector before a lunar eclipse here later in the month, so already there will be clues on what you need to be lining up for. However, this is also the Moon’s last visit before the Sun, Mars and Venus all return to your home and family sector and into opposition, creating some real work/life balance. What you have is the trailer for what’s to come.
With no planetary activity in either of your professional houses having the Moon in your career sector as you move into the new week and month, sharpening your professional instincts and providing valuable clues, hunches and insights, would be an advantage in any week. However, this isn’t just any week and is instead a week where things are likely to be coming together on the income front, ahead of Venus and Mars’ first alignment in your income sector in 28 years, which will come to a head over the weekend. As well as providing the professional objectives needed to maximise the income advantages opening up, this brings a reminder of the professional objectives you moved into the year with and a chance to put them and your income objectives on the same page. – Astrolis