Business Horoscope

Business Horoscope April 09 to April 15

Weekly Aries HoroscopeWeekly Aries Horoscope:

As you move into the short working week things are likely to be moving slowly on the income, work and career fronts, with a chance to slow your pace down. With Pluto turning retrograde in your career sector on Wednesday and Mars turning direct in your work sector on Saturday you’ve both had to slow down to a standstill, in order to do a U turn. This creates a hands off week on the professional front, one that is likely to pick up speed from next week onwards, but in the meantime gives you a chance to extend that long weekend feeling into the week. What the long weekend has produced is a Full Moon in your relationship sector, which has brought things on both the personal and relationship fronts to a head. While things settle on the professional front make your personal life a priority.

Weekly Taurus HoroscopeWeekly Taurus Horoscope:

After a long weekend dominated by a Full Moon in your work sector, as you move into the short working week the Moon is already gone and chances are you’ll be looking at ways to make up for lost time. As Venus spends her first full week in your income sector she’ll be making the most of the momentum gained from the weekend’s Full Moon, but it’s become more about the money and that will be the case over the coming weeks. What you have this week is a chance to slow down a little, especially now that your current solar year is moving into its final phase, with the Sun returning to your sign later next week. With Mercury spending his last week in your sector of friendship, teamwork and networking, find a balance between getting involved and taking time out to hear yourself think.

Weekly Gemini HoroscopeWeekly Gemini Horoscope:

With Mercury spending his last full week in your career sector, before leaving next Tuesday and also his first full week in direct motion after turning direct last week, there is some urgency on the professional front this week, especially when it comes to tying up loose ends, bringing things together and creating the game plan and making the decisions that will keep your professional year on track. However, with Venus spending her first full week in your sign and especially after a Full Moon in a playful and romantic part of your chart over the weekend, this won’t be a week where you’ll get away with letting life become a matter of all work and no play. If the weekend’s Full Moon brought anything, it was a reminder of the need for love, play and fun in your life.

Weekly Cancer HoroscopeWeekly Cancer Horoscope:

While this is an important professional week, not only because the Sun is spending his last full week in your career sector but with a powerful alliance with the North Node finally bringing forces on the work and career fronts together, in some cases that have been building for the last 13 months, you won’t get away with letting life become all work and no play. At the same time that the Moon begins the week in a romantic and creative part of your chart, urging you to make the most of the fact that Monday is a day off for many this week, any work/life balance issues are also coming to a head. The real message is that while this is a stunning professional week and a time when many things are finally coming together, that you won’t get away with letting your professional game rule your life.

Weekly Leo HoroscopeWeekly Leo Horoscope:

Make the most of the lull on the professional front this week, which is giving you a chance to put your professional game into perspective as the tide turns on the work and income fronts. It’s Venus’ first full week in a social and serendipitous part of your chart that will be encouraging you to extend the long weekend feeling out as much as possible and after a Full Moon in your communication sector over the weekend, to really reach out and connect. With the Sun spending his last full week in an adventurous part of your chart and Mercury his last full week in your financial sector, you have a chance to not completely take your professional hat off but at least to hang it up from time to time. There is a real sense this week that you can have it all, especially if you believe that you can.

Weekly Virgo HoroscopeWeekly Virgo Horoscope:

Venus’ first full week in your career sector has the tailwind from the weekend’s Full Moon in your income sector at your back. Yet it’s in this first week that Venus will face the only real challenge she’ll face during the 4 months she’ll spend in your career sector, as she goes head to head with forces on the home front. This is going to bring any work/life balance issues to a head, but in a way that gets them out in the open from the get go and when you most have a chance to start the way you intend to go on. You may find that you’re feeling drained, even after the long weekend, yet this is a sign that a turnaround is near. Mars’ direct turn in your sign over the weekend will mark the start of your comeback, but before then expect your energy levels and motivation to bottom out.

Weekly Libra HoroscopeWeekly Libra Horoscope:

Venus’ message to Mercury, as he spends his last full week in your work sector and as he works to tie up loose ends and bring things together and to get you to focus as much on your work situation as possible, is likely to be ‘good luck on that one’. For Mercury has to compete with Venus’ first full week in an adventurous part of your chart and as the first weekend here was a long holiday weekend, she’ll be encouraging you to hold onto a spirit of adventure. Yet what is an important week for challenging your excuses and embracing a sense of adventure is also an important week on the work front, making it important to work smarter and to use the time you have more efficiently. You can have it all, but with the right boundaries and the right priority setting. Learn from the past.

Weekly Scorpio HoroscopeWeekly Scorpio Horoscope:

It may be a short working week, but when it comes to the more urgent planetary forces chances are you’ll be packing a lot in. This is an important week on the money front, both because Venus is spending her first full week in your financial sector and because a powerful alliance between forces in your work and income sectors, that have been slowly coming together since March 2011, finally do so this week. This is also an important week on the personal front with Mercury, planet of communication spending his last week in your relationship sector and Jupiter working to keep the momentum going on the relationship front. It’s when things get confusing, overwhelming or you feel that you’re juggling too much, that you need to take responsibility for taking time out to smell the coffee.

Weekly Sagittarius HoroscopeWeekly Sagittarius Horoscope:

While you’ll have life’s normal pressures and ups and downs, the two competing forces in your life, which are your personal and professional lives, are co operating this week. This is an important week on the personal front with Venus, planet of love spending her first full week in your relationship sector and the Sun his last full week in your romantic sector. With things so hectic on the professional front of late you’ve had less time to focus on your personal life, but this week professional forces oblige. You have reached a natural slow point in your professional year, not because things are winding down, but because you have reached an important turning point. This gives you a chance to at least find a balance between your personal and professional lives.

Weekly Capricorn HoroscopeWeekly Capricorn Horoscope:

After a Full Moon in your career sector on Saturday and Venus return to your work sector last week, your professional life has all of a sudden woken up. Venus only returned to your work sector last Wednesday, so as you move into the short working week she’s been here for less than a week, yet already thanks to the weekend’s Full Moon you’re on top of your professional game. However, you won’t get away with throwing yourself completely into this, with some pressure and tension if you don’t give yourself enough time and space to come up for air, finding the time to hear yourself think. With Pluto turning retrograde in your sign on Wednesday and Mars turning direct in an adventurous part of your chart on Saturday, this is slowing things down enough to allow you to stay in the moment.

Weekly Aquarius HoroscopeWeekly Aquarius Horoscope:

A Full Moon in your sector of travel, adventure, learning and discovery over the long weekend, along with the fact that Venus also spent her first weekend in a romantic and playful part of your chart, has all the ingredients for a case of Monday it is as you move into a short working week. Yet while the Moon will be in your career sector as you move into the week, ensuring your professional instincts are sharp and you’re on the ball, this is more about finding a balance than swinging dramatically from a weekend to a professional vibe. The Moon will be gone from your career sector by Tuesday and with no planetary activity in either of your professional houses, your personal life is becoming a lot more important. Real success comes from a balance between your personal and professional lives.

Weekly Pisces HoroscopeWeekly Pisces Horoscope:

Despite the fact that the weekend’s Full Moon in your financial sector is likely to have created some financial tension, it’s more likely to have left you motivated. For while the Full Moon put direct pressure on the Sun and your income situation, it did so just before a powerful alliance between income and career forces locked into place. This is likely to see you move into the short working week a lot more motivated and having had time to think and reconsider your options over the long weekend, ready to emerge with your game face on. While there will be some work/life balance issues to contend with, especially in the early days of the week, what is emerging is a sense of where your personal, home and financial priorities lie and an awareness of where you need to take your power back. – freepsychicnetwork

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