Business HoroscopeThings to Do

Business Horoscope May 22 to May 28

business-horoscope-capricornWeekly Capricorn Horoscope:

From Sunday, May 22 2011 – 12:00am
To Saturday, May 28 2011 – 11:59pm

There is a yearning to broaden your horizons this Sunday. Law, politics, education, travel and religion are some of the areas where you may talk about having further adventures. You may receive some recognition or special attention regarding your particular skills and abilities this Monday. Generally, this could be a productive and potentially satisfying day. Perhaps you will be coordinating some event or organizing and administering to people this Tuesday. Your mind is quick and you are able to easily guide others. You know that your best work is accomplished when the people you depend on are of a positive attitude. Taking care of business is a major theme this Wednesday. You may feel blocked or frustrated emotionally by someone or by your own life situation in general this Thursday. Take it easy in the morning–by the afternoon you will recover from those frustrations and gain insight into your emotions. Working to build your finances or to hold on to what you have is a key interest to you this Friday. An instinctive urge to get serious about taking care of yourself at many levels is emphasized this Saturday. Diet, exercise and work somehow mean more at this time.

business-horoscope-sagittariusWeekly Sagittarius Horoscope:
Your timing should be perfect this Sunday and those around you should find you most spontaneous and energetic. There may be a tendency to make your decisions too quickly this Monday. Be sure to take your allocated breaks and if it is possible, follow a written list of the day’s duties so that you know you have covered all the bases. You are charming, kind and popular but you will enjoy any quiet time you can get this Tuesday. Money matters could be a hot discussion in the workplace–how to make it, how to keep it, etc. Work flows in an uneventful way this Wednesday. The most beneficial item that your company sells, produces or helps to produce may be in the process of improvement. The afternoon finds you busy with projects. This Thursday is a vital day. There are lots of energy and lots of action surrounding your activities. You may feel focused and even a bit radiant. You could find yourself in great demand. A surprising bit of news comes to you from reading or hearing some current event this Friday. Because of your attitude, you can communicate well with young people. A sociable, congenial, slightly frivolous orientation sets in this Saturday. There is an opportunity to join others in the performance of a play this evening.

business-horoscope-piscesWeekly Pisces Horoscope:
A newcomer to your circle of acquaintances may brighten up the scene considerably this Sunday. Your attitude and your energies work toward positive results on Monday. These changes could have long-lasting effects. Do not become preoccupied with one idea. Circumstances may seem to irritate you this Tuesday. Someone could challenge you. It could be difficult to remain calm. You are in an excellent cycle to learn. Your work or career is in real harmony with the rest of your life this Wednesday. You could gain from subordinates or young people in the afternoon. Your home environment, friends and surroundings receive encouragement. Your personal life is positive. Although routine matters at work go well this Thursday, this may not the best time for career or vocational decisions that would cause a big change in your life. You may be moved to appreciate and discover the beauty in your life. You can get a lot accomplished this Friday. You may be especially dynamic. Although you are usually able to keep your mind on your job, you will find that you are able to branch away from the old way of doing things and gain a good inspiration. You may find yourself helping a friend find that special apartment this Saturday.

business-horoscope-aquariusWeekly Aquarius Horoscope:
This Sunday you may be working or volunteering in some capacity. Be wise in your task to eliminate as much unnecessary stress as you can. Delegate some of your workload and say no when you feel there are unreasonable demands on your time. You are valued for your natural leadership abilities. You are able to handle the problems that come across your path this Monday and you do not stop to dally over fixed mistakes. You are in a great mood on Tuesday and can appreciate your own better qualities. You may see value in or feel love for an older person or someone in authority. You may find yourself teaching, taking a class or attending a lecture. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job this Wednesday. You could be most persuasive. This Thursday is a perfect time to be assertive and to move forward in your career decisions. You have a lot of enthusiasm. This Friday you have new ideas about your latest budget as well as a moneymaking effort. This looks successful and helpful to others who might want to use your same system. Saturday is rejuvenating, encouraging you to get much accomplished in the morning. A good conversation with those you love is possible.

business-horoscope-ariesWeekly Aries horoscope:
You seek deep, fundamental changes this Sunday. Real change always comes from within and you enjoy probing and understanding the inner, intimate and philosophical side of life. Take nothing for granted this Monday as far as communication is concerned. Important information comes to you in many forms. There could be some work issues that bring challenges and seemingly unsolvable situations your way on Tuesday. Properly channeled, ambition results in great achievements and recognition. Career gains are available on Wednesday because you have done the work and have gained the experience. When it is time for an employee review, let your light shine. Needing to feel secure in your business is very important to you on Thursday. There is nothing better than to know you are useful. If you have been looking for that special job, it just might be your lucky day. Plans of a social gathering this Friday evening bring your energies into balance from a heavy work pace. This Saturday afternoon you may decide to seek out a new friend or do some fun activity with a neighbor or relative that you have not seen in a long time. Get out and enjoy the evening by partaking in fun things together.

business-horoscope-taurusWeekly Taurus Horoscope:
Whatever it is you are doing this Sunday brings with it the opportunity to change or make a positive difference in many people?s lives. You place a high value on your dreams and ideals and do not consider them impossible. You could be seen by others as just the person to be put in charge of some special project this Monday. With you in charge, others feel safe and they know that work will have success. Despite whatever problems you may be having in the work arena this Tuesday, there are areas of life where you have clear insight and real talent. When it comes to these matters, your judgment is sharp–you always manage to succeed. There is optimism and foresight this Wednesday and your positive attitude is contagious. You could spend a great deal of time helping others this Thursday. You will prosper by pursuing your ideals and most deep-seated dreams of how life could be. You will find a constructive manner in which to release the tremendous energy that you feel inside this Friday. No matter what type of work you do, this is a good time to throw yourself into your work and then seek an intriguing hobby. Accent your home life after dark this Saturday. Perhaps you can cook a special dinner for your loved one.

business-horoscope-geminiWeekly Gemini Horoscope:
Yours is the most practical of environments. You can manipulate every idea or situation and put it to good use. Others value you for your ability to make practical decisions and you may receive compliments along those lines this Sunday. This Monday is a great time to be with others and to work together. You always can say just what you mean. You are usually right when a dispute arises but you are wise to keep a low profile. You are hungry for work this Tuesday. Although work flows along quite well–you tend to create more or take on more than your share of work. This could turn you into a workaholic if you are not careful. Wednesday is a time to pursue a more lasting set of values–be they religious or philosophical. Everything external and business-oriented should prosper, provided that honesty and truth are your guides. Avoid the tendency this Thursday to be fooled by others as you may sometimes find yourself ignoring what is underneath a conversation. Use your intuition today–it may lead to new insights. Take full advantage of your position this Friday. It is an excellent time to solicit the help of others–if you need it. You may be able to enjoy and value your own life situation this Saturday.

business-horoscope-cancerWeekly Cancer Horoscope:
You have a definite sense of mission this Sunday. Above all, you are a progressive and you enjoy putting into practice that which is good for all. Change and inner growth tends to come through your relationships with both friends and lovers. This Monday you portray the picture needed for others to understand most difficult situations. Electronics, computers, communications and everything electrical is right up your alley. You and a co-worker may have an ongoing competition this month about using a new word each day. Business contacts, contracts, proposals or sales can be very profitable this Tuesday afternoon. This Wednesday has the possibility of being an easy, calm day that should flow along in a smooth manner. Ideas and interaction with authority figures or older people may be in the forecast. Working with, rather than against, the flow of energy should be easy to manage. Your thirst for experience and growth always keeps you on the move, particularly this Thursday. This Friday is a great time to work and play with others. You may be sought after as just the right person for a particular job; your attitude is that nothing is impossible. Your best efforts–applied to any project this Saturday–will be successful.

business-horoscope-leoWeekly Leo Horoscope:
The aggressiveness you may be feeling this Sunday can be used to push forward with your business plans for next week. Your interest in progressing in your profession this Monday is great and you may feel the need to put in for lots of overtime or perhaps a little volunteer time. You may increase finances through unexpected boons. Tuesday is a good time to read books on organizing and deciding just how extensive you want to get with the project. This Wednesday is the perfect time to get ahead by taking action. This could be some kind of high-water mark for your career, recognition, etc. A promotion or recognition for past accomplishments could be near this Thursday. You could find that you are appreciated or valued for your input and your ability to act and get things done. Projects at work and at home will come into fruition soon. Your interest in professional success is great this Friday and you may inspire co-workers and friends to great accomplishments. Others value
your thoughts, particularly as you help others to see there is another view. This Saturday morning you wake up with great ideas and will want to quickly get to pen and paper. Creating a fun activity plan may include the involvement of a family member or friend.

business-horoscope-virgoWeekly Virgo Horoscope:
Communicating is fun this Sunday morning. The mind and all that is mental will be the source of continued change and adjustment. Outer circumstances and the flow of events make it easy for you to make clear decisions, see the road ahead and move forward this Monday. Things seem to fall in place and progress is easy. You are positive and you are able to get right to the point of problems this Tuesday. You have plenty of enthusiasm and warm up to things and people quickly. This Wednesday is a good day for increased business that results from your hard work. You will find yourself ready and interested in the work this Thursday. Professional decisions are straightforward and easy to make. You make your way through ideas, concepts and your ability to communicate and express them to others. You exhibit good practical job-related thoughts and ideas this Friday. The ability to communicate with superiors or describe what you see is evident as well. Circumstances should work together now to help you bring make your dreams a reality. Making a good impression this Saturday takes on greater importance. Young people gather around you to learn a new creative skill or share in some form of entertainment.

business-horoscope-libraWeekly Libra Horoscope:
This Sunday seems to be a very superficial morning. It may not be possible for you to comprehend anything remotely meaningful or moving. There is perhaps a sense of the artificial, repetitive and senseless. Quick answers, great wit and a surplus of insights and solutions are at the ready this Monday. This is a good time to write and communicate with real originality. Your fuel tank of energy may be full this Tuesday and you should be judicious in its use. Try to engage in projects that need to be finished before starting another one–this will surely lead to success. This Wednesday is a great day to gain positive results from your hard work. You may find ways in which to secure a promotion or new job. You crave organization and you want to get things accomplished. Work moves along in a smooth manner this Thursday. You may feel more at ease this month and find it easy to balance finances, emotions and responsibilities. You should be alert to any changes that need to be made in the workplace this Friday. You can be quite creative in your problem solving abilities. You are a virtual dynamo, zipping around and getting things done. There may be a return of a mechanical problem this Saturday–patience.

business-horoscope-scorpioWeekly Scorpio Horoscope:
Your life takes on a kind of mystical quality at the emotional and instinctive level this Sunday. You will do well in activities that include children, young people and your home. This Monday is a time when you could make some wrong choices. This will pass soon enough and any feelings that are negative could be noted for later consideration. Habits are in a cycle of change this Tuesday; variety satisfies a deep inner need. You may find yourself planning a garage sale for this upcoming weekend to put a little cash in your pocket. In the workplace this Wednesday, co-workers as well as higher-ups seek you out for your psychological insight. You find yourself talkative and quick-witted this Thursday. If you are in sales, you could set records! Ideas are clear and easy to understand. We are at the end of the week and you could be, rightfully, dragging your feet this Friday. This is not a great day to make plans or decisions. Take it easy on yourself today. Story writing, whether it actually is a story to be published or one just developing, will get a big boost this Saturday. Ideas are easy and writing about your ideas will flow like a waterfall. Perhaps a new business plan is the object of the writing–much can be accomplished.

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