From Sunday, June 12 2011 – 12:00am
To Saturday, June 18 2011 – 11:59pm
A new game or an interesting movie may be the goal for this Sunday afternoon. You communicate with accomplished skill and it is stimulating just being with you. Good news may be pouring in all at once this Monday. Life’s problems seem to have easy solutions. Opportunities prevail and you may find yourself wanting and able to do almost everything. Your successful optimism this Tuesday is obvious and therefore, catching. You see positive results from your hard work. Your close ties with home and family, plus your career interest, may be cutting into your social life this Wednesday. When it comes to matters of assessment and finding solutions, your judgment is sharp and you always manage to take charge. You have a knack of working hard and accomplishing things without too much difficulty. Pace yourself this Thursday and take your breaks–this day could develop into a more successful day than you think. Others will accept your suggestions and ideas this Friday. You will find problems or challenges easy to solve. You will tend to find yourself socializing more than usual this Saturday. You can always put your ideas into words and describe or analyze situations for yourself and others.
A lazy Sunday morning may consist of updating a scrapbook or photograph album. A cycle of nostalgia and domesticity begins now emphasizing a need for security and a sense of roots. You may be required to put in some overtime work this Monday or you may find that some personal business needs tending to now. Whatever the case, this is a time during which circumstances bend to your will and things have a way of working out smoothly. Anyone who tries to get you to play with words is in for a big surprise this Tuesday. Your mind cuts right through all the window dressing and gets right down to the quick. A born psychologist, you may find yourself counseling and caring for the mental needs of others this Wednesday. Thursday is a time to take risks and dare to be a little unconventional. You will prosper through new insights, inventions and an independent point of view. A relationship will be getting particularly cozy. You could gain from subordinates or young people this Friday. Things are happening and your career or path depends on your own ambition and drive–which are strong now. This Saturday is a good day to solve problems and make important decisions.
Weekly Pisces Horoscope:
This Sunday may be the beginning of a long dreamy time when you find it easy to lose yourself in one flight of fancy or another. You could be preoccupied so much with your professional life this Monday, you may forget to say no to some of the overtime requests. Inventions, in particular in communications, computers and electronics, may be possible this Tuesday.
There are clear perspectives into your present reality, making situations easier to understand. Don’t be surprised if you are not in top mental gear this Wednesday. You could find yourself struggling to communicate. This afternoon you may decide to catch up on your chores. This Thursday you may discover that you could find that a business of your own or a side business may benefit you–ask lots of questions. Flexibility is more than a virtue at this time; it is a necessity. Job requirements may hold you back from growing this Friday. Tread this one with care by giving yourself time to develop new plans and goals. You may be working with young people this evening as a teacher or coach. Saturday is a good time to really get down to the business of cleaning up your act, taking care of loose ends and attending to any details you may have neglected up to now.
Weekly Aquarius Horoscope:
Family members may want to talk to you about family business matters this Sunday. It would be wise to listen and take notes. This Monday you seem to be in the mood for dreaming and viewing the sunset. Writing poetry now may be a rewarding experience. In taking care of business, it is important to stay focused, particularly this Tuesday. Take time to be specific and ask for
feedback so that you can be sure you were clear in your instructions to others. Relationships are very important this Wednesday and can have a very strong influence on your career and workplace. You may find that a more detached attitude is the key. How you manage difficulties, find that diplomatic solution or come up with the right approach this Thursday are all built around your talents. All partnership transactions are favored. Follow your hunches regarding monetary affairs. Your surroundings, circumstances and support systems are the key link in the chain of your day this Friday. When things get hectic, it is in these areas that you can expect pressure and the greatest activity. There may be confusion this Saturday over a Professional or career decision. You might enjoy an early picnic dinner with your loved ones or friends.
Weekly Aries horoscope:
You seem turned on and tuned in to other people’s emotions this Sunday–not super-sensitive, but intuitive. You can demonstrate a great deal of understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others and are in a good position to communicate and promote a healing. There is an opportunity to heal a disappointment this Monday. Tuesday is a time of good fortune when things open up in a very natural way for you. Tonight would be a good time to pal around with some of your friends–maybe a sports type of game. Much can be accomplished this Wednesday. You may enjoy involvement in any mental efforts or like forms of discipline. You will tend to get much accomplished for others this Thursday. Perhaps you are working in a service-oriented type of business. Continued hard work with no time for play may make for a bit of stress, so take the breaks you need in order to keep your great smile in place. Your career or life-path may depend on your talent for responding and making something out of ideas, insights and whatever is new and challenging this Friday. Today could be a very lucky day for you in
many areas of your life. Relax this evening. There could be some restrictions on your activities this Saturday morning–go with the flow.
Weekly Taurus Horoscope:
Cleaning, health-awareness, shopping and cooperation from each member of the family or from friends this Sunday make your day move along easily. Monday is not the best time for financial decisions. It is a good time, however, to increase your skills so that you can increase your finances. You are in control of your Tuesday, especially when interacting with superiors. You are at your most practical when it comes to dealing and working with others. Work, achievement and ambition–mean a lot to you now–project yourself. You enjoy life and you value gusto and enthusiasm in those around you. A love relationship can be strengthened this Wednesday. There is optimism, faith and a tendency to take emotional chances. Your burning zeal for the ideal world and your need to be part of a group of like-minded souls are major factors in your makeup. You learn and grow this Thursday through your efforts to help others. There is an innate capacity this Friday to negotiate with the law and authorities, plus an ability to find your way, the correct way, when it comes to inner and spiritual matters. You are in a planning mood this Saturday evening. You can see the road ahead and will make the right choices.
Weekly Gemini Horoscope:
There will be less of an impulse this Sunday for recognition. There is a growing need to enjoy some quality time by you this day. Perhaps you like to listen to teaching tapes or a hobby has taken up space in your creative sector. There is an emphasis on communication, expression of ideas and the connections between people this Monday. What goes on in your mind is the all-important motivation in your life. Your dreams and ideals are very important to you. You may be more focused on your goals this Tuesday than ever before. You will notice that you have become more focused in your work lately. You may find yourself very active this Wednesday. You have a wonderful way of working with others, helping them to sense and feel the
unity of life. Your love of the spiritual and the eternal is clear to all who meet you. You may find that both your personal growth and your career could depend on how you can shuffle and balance an overabundance of work. Rely on your own efforts this Thursday; you have what it takes to succeed. This Friday is a time to pursue a more lasting set of values, be they religious or philosophical. Positive communication is good this Saturday. Your demeanor sets examples for others.
Weekly Cancer Horoscope:
Your wisdom can be shared this Sunday as you may find yourself involved in settling disputes. You have a definite sense of mission this Monday. You enjoy putting into practice that which is good for all and you may find yourself working with different cultures. This is where you enjoy working or helping the most. You may want to travel, inform and teach. Saying or writing with style comes natural to you these days. New words to increase your vocabulary expertise can be a fun activity between you and a friend or co-worker this Tuesday. This Wednesday is a good time to step back and reevaluate your aims and goals. Give yourself some time on this. The rebel in you likes to ignore dreams and ideals and just let come what may. There
could be challenges on Thursday, but you are able to handle them as long as you do not expect others to agree with your advanced thinking right away. There is an opportunity to make good decisions and clear choices this Friday. You are at your most practical, and what happens now may have a positive, lasting effect on your professional direction. Others may find you
especially witty and eccentric this Saturday. Much of your personal life hinges on pursuing your own growth and success.
Weekly Leo Horoscope:
Interaction with others is the focus of this Sunday. Neighbors, friends and family members may take on more importance. Outdoor activity through, perhaps, a tour of a nearby park, zoo or group garage or yard sale can be enjoyed by many. You could be at the attention of your superiors, elders or in relation to your work this Monday. You may find that you enjoy your responsibilities more than usual today. You can get a faster push forward by taking the right kind of action; be positive and be attentive this Tuesday. By working at a steady pace you will make a lot of progress. There are insights into your dreams this Wednesday. This is a good time to reshape and renew your philosophy or religion, during which your imagination is at full tilt. Thursday is a great time to be with others and to work together. Your insight and vision into what unites people and into the dreams and mystical regions of our minds are most profound. Friday is a day of action and embarking on new projects. You will begin to feel more and more confident and outgoing. Keep your priorities straight and you will be a happy camper this Saturday. People value you for your dynamic qualities. You are a solid supporter, always gravitating to the heart of things.
Weekly Virgo Horoscope:
You will often find yourself choosing between comfort and progress this Sunday. You choose to improve or enhance your surroundings with trees, flowers and perhaps a vegetable garden. This Monday is a great time to be with others and to work together. Everything points to your taking the initiative. You may find that a particular project is just not your cup of tea
this Tuesday morning. You enjoy working behind the scenes, getting at any secrets and hidden areas of the mind and psyche. There could possibly be the beginning of some positive changes this Wednesday. You will have opportunities to improve your earning potential and family security this Thursday. Do not spend money frivolously today, however, as tomorrow there could be some unexpected expenses. You could be asked to lead or instruct others in a new project this Friday. If you already have
a great deal of work going on now you might want to request that you will periodically supervise and be available for answering questions; considering your own work. You are a very feeling person and can sense the drift of a situation without a lot of analysis. There is time this Saturday evening for your love relationship to blossom.
Weekly Libra Horoscope:
Increasing inner confidence this Sunday helps you emerge from a long period of doubt. Finances are better and you can now pay more attention to the needs you have been pushing aside. There is much to accomplish today. Monday is an excellent day to be with others and to work together. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. You are in tune with the practical issues in the workplace this Tuesday. A firm sense of direction will help get you to your destination. The feeling that, anything is possible if you set your sights high enough, characterizes the cycle you have just begun this Wednesday. You have a lot of faith and trust in your fellow human . . . this may be the best way to enjoy life. You are never happier than when working with others. You will tend to find yourself responding to others quite often this Thursday. Others see in you great practical ability and accept you as a leader or authority figure very easily this Friday. Your career may be very important to you now. Given only a few facts, you are able to take in a situation and come up with a real picture of what is happening. So, be realistic and use your worry energy productively this Saturday.
Weekly Scorpio Horoscope:
Immediate needs are where your attention is this Sunday. Shopping and tending to chores are high on your list of things to mark off your to-do list. Your conservative values clash with whatever is unconventional and different this Monday. You do not value novelty and do your best to ignore changes at this time. Be satisfied with the ordinary and usual this Tuesday. Novel ideas or insights could be more damaging than useful. This Wednesday morning is a good time for making amends, making peace with the past and meditating. Someone needs caring for. You can always manage to bring otherworldly ideas into the practical realm. This afternoon you may enjoy coaching young people in outdoor sports. Law and philosophy or religion has much potential to impact your lifestyle this Thursday. You enjoy deliberation and have a very methodical mind. A financial opportunity you once thought was lost forever may come around again. This Friday’s atmosphere is a natural for self-expression and lends itself to your particular ideas and thoughts. You are careful and considerate. There is a need to be the center of attention this Saturday–also a craving to give and to be appreciated. This can be an expansive, creative and even romantic phase.