09 Home Quarantine Activities to Keep Boredom at Bay

It is still early in the home quarantine game, but are you bored to death by now? To interrupt the curve and contain the coronavirus as soon as possible, it’s better if we all stay at home and practice some social distancing.
Lean and Get Organized

This reporter will not indulge in the misnomer that “cleaning can be fun,” however it is something that’s necessary to do. Do ALL of your laundry, purge your home clean, and tidy up like there’s no tomorrow.

Quarantine or not there’s still plenty of ways to stay in good health. It might not be the same as your routine workout but there’s plenty of options and workouts that are being streamed to do from home.
Explore Ways to Save Money

With no going out, no commutation costs, and many more ways to save a little bit of dough, now is the chance to go over your own finances to evaluate where you can save up during COVID-19 times
Movie Night with Family

What is the main thing that we can only dream about at the moment? Travelling! Sadly, travelling is not possible for the time being, so all that remains is to keep dreaming and making new plans for the future. So, have a great movie night with the best travel movies and documentaries available. On Netflix there are quite a few travel-related movies and documentaries to be found, for example, Expedition Happiness, Tales by Night, Our Planet, Wild, Elsewhere. Alone in Africa. Grab your popcorn!
Set up an Indoor Picnic

Spread your carpet on the living room floor (or in your garden, if you are lucky enough to have one) and prepare a delicious picnic. This creates a different atmosphere than at the dinner table and it is guaranteed that the children will love it! If you want to give it an extra touch, build a teepee or small hut next to it. Want to go the extra mile? Pop a tray of marshmallows in the oven, melt some chocolate, grab your cookies and make some tasty smores!
Push your career: free online courses

Let’s get back to some more serious business. Maybe this is the perfect time to revive your career! Learn something new or add extra knowledge. This valuable extra time allows us to get up to speed with topics we were always curious about, but never got the chance to. Ivy League universities offer free online courses, ready to let you dive into a plethora of new knowledge that awaits!
Grow Your own Plants

It’s time to be self-sufficient! If you have a garden, get out there and grow some veggies. Not got so much space? Buy some packets of seeds for growing smaller herbs indoors, like parsley, rosemary or mint.
Master your own cocktails!

Now that all bars and restaurants are closed, it’s really time to learn how to make that Caipirinha all by yourself. You have the luxury that at home you manage to make your surroundings cosy and ideal for an evening spent sipping on a delicious mojito. Look up the recipes online and create your own cocktail bar from the comfort of your own home. Cheers!
Improve your musical talents

Do you have a keyboard or piano in your house that is mainly taking up space to look good? Or maybe a guitar propped up in the corner of your room gathering dust. Well, wipe off the cobwebs and get practising! Practice or teach yourself a new musical instrument. Of course, this can be singing too – improving your singing skills on your own is already a good option, but it’s even more fun to share it online with family and friends. Organise a group video call, share your screen and sing along!