Fashion Central Mob App Has Launched

This mobile app allows users to immerse completely with Fashion Central. The user can now easily get in touch with fashion related content, share the same with other mobile users and get joy from mutual interaction. Moreover, the user may browse
• Latest sales and promotions
• New designer’s collections and biography
• Exhibitions
• New event launches
All are just a click away to view.
Fashion Central understands what is convenient and accessible to its users, as through this app the users can get themselves in touch with the latest fashion shows,designer’s collections and event updates. It will become very easy to view complete photo gallery plus related content through touch navigation. App installation makes possible easy access to updates and contentsthe world over 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
For more info kindly visit:
About Fashion Central:
Fashion Central is an online fashion Magazine of Pakistan based in Lahore, which provides coverage to the events in Pakistani Fashion Industry. FC was founded in 2007 and was named Fashion Central with an idea to provide a central portal about all fashion related affairs.
The site was developed using the proprietary content management system developed by End 2 End solution Providers. This magazine has won PASHA ICT Award in 2010. Its eight organized categories of fashion Pakistan, beauty & style, people & parties, living & lifestyle, international fashion, men’s corner, shopping and blog, fashion lovers learn about pure Pakistani fashion traditions and enriched lifestyle. The single click sub-divides these main categories into sub-categories and opens a horizon of infotainment. Fashion central launch of a physical brand store is a new addition to company’s name.