Synergy Aircraft is a personal Airplane with Better fuel Economy than Cars

Flying in the air has always been costlier than having a ride on road in a car. But it seems that the scenario is for an immediate overturn or so claims designer John McGinnis, the man behind the innovative Synergy aircraft. The current evolution of aircraft engineering gives us enough confidence to think so. We have earlier told you about Yuneec electric sport airplane prototype priced at around $89,000, and the highly fuel-efficient Pipistrel’s Panthera four-seater airplane. The compact of the lot is this small passenger airplane, called the Synergy with a mesmeric power efficiency that will even beat our cars down in mileage. The Synergy project was introduced in NASA’s 2011 Green Flight Challenge and is in look for an initial financial support of $65,000 on Kickstarter.
Fuel consumption
The promising Synergy aircraft can take up to five people on board with a breathtaking fuel efficiency of 40mph per gallon. Its designers claim that the aircraft can provide 10 times better fuel economy than a small regular jet. In other words, the owner will have to endure only 10 percent of the usual cost of flying a jet. The journey in the revolutionary aircraft will be spectacular with enough room, clam and smooth ride experience and an easy operation, Synergy Aircraft brags on its Kickstarter page.
Aerodynamic design
What it is more stunning with the Synergy is its aerodynamic design and adaptability to hybrid, electric and other advanced engine technologies. According to Synergy team, the airplane is not at all about looks, aesthetics and streamlining, in spite of having a unique aerodynamic design. Beyond everything, it is all about fuel efficiency, speed and cost effectiveness, they claim. Perhaps, in future we can find Synergy as a prominent member among the new generation of day to day air transportation systems like the for Terrafugia’s Transition those who have the moolah.
The Synergy team now looks for an initial development cost of $65K on Kickstarter. Of course, it is only a primary cost and the company will require more funds to wind up the project. As of writing this, around 50 donors have backed the project on the fund-rising site with a $3,409 with 18 days to go. – Bornrich