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Police say 12-year-old accidentally shot and killed mom: Reports

A 12-year-old boy admitted to shooting and killing his mom after first lying to detectives about what happened, according to the authorities.

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office in Alabama said deputies began investigating the death of a 29-year-old woman in Forestdale, Alabama on Monday. The woman has been identified as Ayobiyi Cook.

Detectives found throughout the investigation that Cook’s 12-year-old son, who has not been named, accidentally discharged a firearm, killing his mom.

“The child originally fabricated a story that detectives determined was not possible,” the sheriff’s office said in a news release. “The child eventually gave a true account of what happened.” Investigators say the evidence supports that the shooting was unintentional.

When they arrived on the site, there didn’t appear to be any forced entry into the home, according to the department’s initial news release on the incident, but a man was seen fleeing the house just before the 911 call was made.

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office has been notified by CBS News, and a response is expected soon.

Cook’s husband, Djuan Cook, said she was known as “Yo” or “YoYo.” He posted on Facebook that funeral arrangements would be held on August 12. “Orange was Yo’s favorite color so feel to wear it as we celebrate her life,” he wrote.

Djuan Cook has been contacted by CBS News.

According to Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit organization that advocates for gun regulation and against gun violence, there have been at least 169 unintentional shootings of children so far in 2022. In the United States this year, child shootings resulted in 104 injuries and 74 deaths.

In the United States, there were 392 unintentional child shootings last year, which led to 163 deaths and 248 injuries.

According to Everytown, 18,000 people are shot and killed or wounded every year, and 3 million children and teens are exposed to gun violence.

While parents think hiding guns will prevent children from accusing them, research by Nationwide Children’s Hospital found that 75% of children who live in a home with guns know where it is stored.

Nationwide Children’s claims that studies show that even if a child has been taught not to touch a gun, they still will. Children as young as three may be able to discharge a gun.

Even non-powered firearms like BB guns, which some people consider toys, can cause serious harm. Children may not be able to discern the difference between a toy gun and a real gun.

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