Perfect Mai Tai Recipe

Perfect mai tai drink is most favorite drink of luxurious lifestyle we are gonna present, its combo drink with alcohol and fruits juices. This Perfect mai tai will refresh your soul and your mind to give you the ultimate BuZZ!
- 3 oz. light rum
- 3 oz. dark rum
- 1 oz. orange curacao (or grand mariner)
- 2 oz. pineapple juice (fresh is amazing if you can do it)
- 2 oz. guava juice
- 2 oz. fresh squeezed lime juice
- 1 oz. orgeat syrup (almond syrup with orange or rose, you can get in the mixer section)
- 1 oz. simple syrup or rock candy syrup
- crushed mint leaves to garnish
Get all mai tai drink liquid ingredients and put in shaker, fill out two high ball glasses with blended ice, shake it in shaker well. Strain into both glasses decently. Mash the mint leaves with your fingers, float on top of the drink. Garnish with lime and pineapple wedges. Don’t miss the fresh mint, it is the important part of whole drink. Have you ever tried Fourth of July Cocktail?