World’s Most Expensive Backpack for $55,000

Previously, we’ve featured luxury backpacks designed by the Olsen twins – Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, for their luxury brand, The Row. Made from crocodile leather, these bags are known to carry exceptionally lengthy price-tags, with the previous pieces costing $39,000 a pop. Now if those weren’t fancy enough for you, artist Damien Hirst has come up with a collection of 9 luxury bags with the Olsen twins, yet again for The Row. These bags use Hirst’s spot paintings and medicine cabinet themes and each of these are either decorated with pill-like ornaments or eye-catching multicolored spots. The bags follow a similar shape like those featured here before and are available in black with differently colored pills and spots ranging from gold, silver to multicolored.
Also, this new collection of bags from The Row will each come with a price-tag of up to $55,000, a sum most wealthy Olsen fans wouldn’t mind spending on a one-of-a-kind bag as such!