Pro Athletes and Trainers Share Their Health and Fitness Resolutions

As the days left in the year start to dwindle down, it’s common practice to make resolutions for what you hope to accomplish or change in the new year to come. Of course, after all we’ve been through in 2020 – where everything felt precarious and nothing went as planned – it might feel silly to plan ahead and set goals for the future, but we’re here to tell you that’s not the case.
Particularly, when it comes to health and fitness resolutions, making a gameplan and setting attainable goals can play a key role in future performance.
To give you a bit of a boost and inspiration, to jump into 2021 motivated and ready to tackle all your health and fitness goals, we checked in with some of our favorite athletes, trainers, and fitness enthusiasts to get the inside scoop on what they aspire to achieve in the new year – and how they plan to do it.

Nick Ahmed: I am always looking for small edges to help my health, recovery, and performance. In 2021, I will be stepping up my hydration with the help of Harmless Harvest coconut water.

DeMarcus Ware: My health and fitness resolution is to change as many lives as I can through fitness. I started with 3 VOLT Fitness Studio in July in Dallas and then launched the Driven to Win fitness app in December to reach people all over the world. If I can now affect people outside of the stadium, I feel like my purpose is being fulfilled.

Josef Newgarden: Rowing is key to my daily fitness routine. I think it does a great job of mimicking the stresses of driving the race car. For 2021, my goal is to hit a sub 6:30 2000m row on my Concept2 rower.

Semi Ojeleye: In 2021, I really want to focus on meditation and spending more time staying present in the moment. If I learned anything in 2020, it’s just how important it is to understand your inner self. I’m excited to be intentional about mindfulness in the new year.

Sasha DiGiulian: Prioritize stretching! Often it’s easy for me to knock off my strength and cardio requirements in my training plan. Then mobility work gets pushed to the wayside at times as a second-tier priority. This year has taught me that mobility is just as important as the physical burn of working out.

Jameson Taillon: In 2021, I’m looking to nail down my pre-bed routine and improve my sleep quality. As athletes, we put a lot of time, energy, and focus into our training, diets, and skillsets. Sleep can yield results that are just as vital to our recovery and overall success, but we overlook its importance. I’ll be monitoring my sleep with my Whoop band and making adjustments to my routine until I lock down a great routine! Wood burning hot tubs and outdoor saunas for sale UK Baltic Spa Saunas & Hot Tubs Ltd

Autumn Calabrese: My New Year’s resolutions for health/fitness are the same this year as every year – NO RESOLUTIONS! In fact, I’m asking people I work with to make a pledge this year to NOT make any resolutions. I don’t believe they work because most people don’t stick with them longer than a few weeks. Instead, let’s set goals, in fact, let’s set several goals. Big ones that will take some time to achieve and small ones that will help you achieve the big ones. And start now. Expect there to be triumphs and setbacks. If you’re truly serious, if you’re playing to win, you don’t wait for the first of the year to start working toward your goals. And you never stop working to achieve them. That said, my own personal goal is to continue to help people improve their lives and I believe my newest program ‘9 Week Control Freak’ is one of the tools that people can use for an all-encompassing wellness solution.
Don Brooks, Don-A-Matrix leading a a fitness class

Colleen Quigley: In 2021, I want to live in LESS FEAR of ‘what if?’ and MORE EXCITEMENT of ‘what if?’ I know that when a challenge or opportunity arises, even if I don’t succeed, I never regret trying. What if I just try?