WorkPlace Health Hazards and Remedies

While discussing about workplace hazards in many industries we will get exposure of these typical hazards which are very common.
- Chemicals and other hazardous material for employee health.
- Excessive noise of industrial machines and their vibration is a great work place hazard for health.
- Extreme of temperature level away from normal acceptance of human body.
- Ergonomic hazards like poorly designed equipments that forces workers to perform their job in unnatural positions.
- Common safety related hazards are slippery floors and blocked passages which create hurdle for workers to work.
Infectious diseases:
With many employees who travel among different international destinations infectious diseases issues are very common. Employers should take steps to prevent the entry or spread of infectious diseases into their workplaces. These safety precautions should be taken to meet this hazard.
- Provide daily medical screening for employees returning from certain infectious areas.
- To maintain the work place hazard ban the entry of employee or visitors for ten days returning from affected areas, particularly those who had contact with suspected individuals.
- Tell employees to stay at home if they have a fever or respiratory system symptoms.
- Assure it to clean work areas and surfaces regularly.
- Offer several lunch periods to reduce overcrowding.
- Emphasize the employees regarding the importance of regular hand washing, and make sanitizers containing alcohol easily available throughout workplace.
Safety Policy:
Company should introduce the safety policy which contains a declaration of the employer’s intent towards the safety of employees and means to realize it. It should include the causes and remedies for expected accidents at workplace. It should comprise of the responsibilities and penalties on failing to provide the described facilities.
Mental Health Services:
To over come and reduce the risk of mental breakdowns due to tension and depression a mental health service should be provide in different ways such as psychiatric counseling and consultation with specialists. A committee should be made which educate employees regarding their mental health and develop healthy environment at work place.
Employee Assistance Programs:
Specially designed programs should be introduced to deal with stress-related problems of the employees and help in diagnosis and prevention of both work and non-work related problems.
Fitness Programs:
Fitness programs are very essential to make the employee aware of the hazards. These programs focus on overall health of employees and also include disease identification.
Employee Awareness Programs:
Companies should manage to conduct the employee awareness program like workshops to tell them disease which can be transmitted due to sexual relationship and these are fatal if not overcome. Such programs clear out the confusion in workforce and guide them how to make these relations in a protected way.