3 Strength Exercises That Protect Your Shoulders and Neck

 3 Strength Exercises That Protect Your Shoulders and Neck

To support your shoulders and neck, it’s important to do a few back-strengthening exercises—especially those that work extension, says Sinett. At least a few times a week, do these three exercises for 30 seconds each—longer and more often if you can.


Lying face-down on a mat or floor, place your elbows directly under shoulders, forearms on the ground, palms flat. Press your forearms into the floor as you lift your chest up, keeping your gaze toward the floor and shoulders away from ears. Hold for a count of 5, then lower back down and repeat.


Lying face-down on a mat or floor, extend your arms overhead, palms facing the floor. Lift your arms, chest, and legs off the floor simultaneously, engaging the entire back of your body. Holding at the top, pull the elbows down to form a goal post position. Pause, then extend the arms back out and lower back down to the mat. Repeat. Keep your gaze toward the floor, neck in a neutral position.


Lying face-down on a mat or floor, extend your arms overhead, thumbs facing up. Slightly lift your arms, chest, and legs off the floor simultaneously, engaging the entire back of your body. Hold this position as you lift opposite arm and leg farther off the floor, then lower back to starting position. Repeat with your other arm and leg and continue alternating. Keep your gaze toward the floor, neck in a neutral position

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