Fourth Stimulus Check
Fourth Stimulus Check (image credit: Getty Images)
Health and FitnessLifestyle

Fourth Stimulus Check: Will It Happen? “Gas Rebate Act 2022”

Stimulus Checks have become the favorite of American citizens. They benefited greatly from the introduction of stimulus payments. During the lockdown, the checks were a savior for many families.

The majority of the people had lost their jobs and had no idea what to do with their lives. This was primarily due to the fact that a large portion of the mess was affiliated with offline jobs. Working from home was not a particularly popular concept at the time.

As a result, a total shutdown meant that all businesses and industries were closed. When the economy crashed, it dealt a severe blow to the economy.

People were tense, and a large portion of the population was unemployed. During this time, the unemployment rate reached an all-time high.

The federal government issued the American Rescue Plan in response to the situation. This program offers direct cash benefits to eligible citizens of the country, as per digital market news.

This allowed people to focus more on productive work while also improving their financial position. However, the recent state of affairs in America has not significantly changed.

The high cost of gas is making life difficult for the average person. A number of checks have been proposed. Let us evaluate whether or not the checks will result in a fourth stimulus check.

Stimulus Check Teased by Mike Thompson

Mike Thompson has proposed a stimulus check. Thompson is a California-born Democrat politician.

He expressed concern about the recent increase in gas prices in the United States. The politician requested that the government investigate the situation and provide a solution.

Mike Thompson demanded that the government issue new stimulus checks. He dubbed the legislation the “Gas Rebate Act 2022.”

People earning less than $75,000 per year were eligible for a $100 monthly allowance. To be eligible for the money, a joint filer’s earnings must be less than $150000.

The federal government is currently stalling this bill. There has been no word on when the bill will be passed.

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