Devastated Parents Speak Out After Daughter’s Death at Mental Health Hospital

 Devastated Parents Speak Out After Daughter’s Death at Mental Health Hospital

(Image: Paul Taylor)

The parents of Leah Taylor, a 20-year-old woman from Urmston, have shared their heartbreak following her tragic death just weeks into her stay at a mental health hospital. Leah was admitted to Eleanor Hospital in West Didsbury on May 24, 2022, and was detained under Section Three of the Mental Health Act. Less than a month later, on June 17, she was found unresponsive in her room and pronounced dead by paramedics.

During the inquest into her death at Manchester Coroner’s Court, it was revealed that Leah was being monitored four times an hour by staff. Coroner Zak Golombeck highlighted the need to examine whether Leah should have been placed under constant one-to-one observations, given her history of self-harm. The jury learned that there had been multiple incidents of deliberate self-harm during Leah’s stay, including eight on the day before her death.

Eleanor Hospital, run by Equilibrium Healthcare, provides care for women diagnosed with personality disorders or mental illnesses. The facility was rated “inadequate” by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in 2022 and again following an inspection just days after Leah’s death, reports Manchester Evening News.

In a poignant tribute, Leah’s parents, Paul and Helen Taylor, described their daughter as a “bubbly” and “talented” individual who brought joy to everyone around her. Despite her struggles with mental health, Leah was a “determined young woman” with dreams of becoming a special educational needs (SEN) teacher and plans to travel. They recalled her as a “sensitive soul” with a “heart of gold,” who was always eager to help others.

Paul Taylor voiced his frustration during the inquest, believing there were “numerous missed opportunities, incorrect decisions, poor judgment, and a lack of knowledge” on how to support Leah during her stay at Eleanor Hospital. He criticized the lack of communication from the hospital, stating that they never received updates on Leah’s progress or decline and were unaware of the many incidents involving her until after her death.

On the evening before Leah’s death, she called her mother in extreme distress. Paul immediately contacted the hospital but was not informed of any incidents. He later spoke to Leah, who seemed more settled, ending their conversation with, “Night Dad, I love you, see you tomorrow.” This was the last time he would speak to her.

Dr. Sholinghur, Leah’s clinician and the group medical director of Equilibrium Healthcare, testified that Leah had been diagnosed with emotionally unstable personality disorder and ADHD. Despite multiple incidents of self-harm, including attempts to ingest foreign objects, Leah remained on level two observations, which required staff to check on her four times an hour. Dr. Sholinghur defended this decision, suggesting that Leah’s actions did not warrant increased supervision.

The inquest revealed that Leah experienced several self-harm incidents within 24 hours of her admission, yet her observation level was not increased. Dr. Sholinghur acknowledged that Leah’s distress might have been caused by the stress of adjusting to a new environment.

In their statement, Leah’s parents expressed their profound sorrow and the impact of her loss, stating, “Leah brought so much love and laughter into all our lives. She was an inspiration, and she has left a permanent mark on all that knew her. She was a gift that kept on giving; she truly was one of a kind. Leah was our light and our only focus in life. We were a team, a team of three people who adored each other. Now she is missing, our light has gone out.”

Karen Tonge from the Crown Prosecution Service North West emphasized Roughley’s complete disregard for Leah’s wellbeing. “For some inexplicable reason, Kate Roughley had taken a dislike to Genevieve, and this was clear for all to hear and see,” Tonge stated. Roughley will be sentenced on Wednesday, closing a heartbreaking chapter for Genevieve’s family and the community.

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