6 Tips for Men’s Health Over 40

As men age, the chance of health problems increases. These include disorders such as erection problems, lower testosterone levels, prostate problems, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Although it is impossible to prevent all age-related problems, there are still tips to reduce the chance of developing one of these disorders.
Healthy diet for the heart
Weight problems and obesity due to poor eating habits, lack of exercise, and spending too much time on the tablet take epidemic proportions, both in children and adults today.
A healthy diet for the heart should actually begin in childhood. Men over 40 who were overweight as children are more likely to be overweight or obese as adults. If you approach 40 or are over 40 and overweight, you know the health risks it entails, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, sleep problems, arthritis, joint problems and an increased risk of cancer.
Men with overweight or obesity generally live shorter than men with a healthy weight and lifestyle. Children generally have a faster metabolism, allowing their bodies to digest and burn much more efficient food. This process starts to slow down in men around the age of 35 – 40, but can sometimes start with men aged 20 years.
If you are prepared to follow a healthy diet for the heart, you can best delete products rich in fat, bad cholesterol (LDL), sugar and trans fats, and replace them with products rich in omega-3 fats, proteins , good cholesterol (HDL) and low in sugar. In this way you can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
Take good care of your prostate
Men’s health prostate problems start between the ages of 40 and 50 years. It has been shown that a diet rich in zinc promotes the health of the prostate. This is why zinc is the primary ingredient in prostate supplements. The prostate has more zinc than any other organ in the male body. Researchers have reported that biopsies of prostate cancer tissue show a shortage of zinc. What they have not been able to record is whether these low levels of zinc contribute to prostate problems, including prostate cancer.
Ensure sufficient physical exercise
When men reach the age of 40, it is important to get enough physical activity to maintain a healthy heart and general health. The benefits of exercise not only stimulate the metabolism, but also reduces the tension on the heart, and reduces the chance of developing type 2 diabetes. Mental health is also significantly improved by physical exercise.
People over 40 who regularly exercise are generally happier, and have lower levels of stress, anxiety, blood pressure, and depression.
Do not overwork yourself
There is a conviction in our society that people who work harder are richer and happier. If that were true, then the dredger or dock worker would now be a millionaire. It is much better to work smarter instead of harder.
In reality, people who spend long hours generally earn less money, are often less fortunate, have poor eating habits because they have irregular eating times or eat less healthy food. If your work leaves no room for socializing with friends, family and colleagues, there is a form of social isolation that can lead to depression, emotional eating, a sedentary lifestyle and other health issues.
Enjoy sex
Although single men in their 40s have been shown to drink more, have a riskier sexual lifestyle, they often have a bad diet and have less meaningful relationships with women. The opposite is true for married men. Men in their 40s who are married generally drink less than single men, have more meaningful sexual relationships with their partners, and put more energy into combining work and family life. Research shows that men who are married are more focused on their health and generally live longer (and more fulfilled) than single men.
Changes in the body
Several medical studies have shown that many biological changes occur in men around 40. The metabolism slows down, leading to a thicker stomach, especially in the case of men who do not exercise regularly and have healthy eating habits. Arteries of the heart begin to silt up causing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Especially for men who smoke or have bad eating habits. Cardiovascular disease and diabetes are two factors that can contribute to erectile dysfunction in middle-aged men.