Elon Musk has added $100.3 billion to his net worth and overtaken Bill Gates to become world’s second-richest person

How do rich people feel when they have so many billions of dollars? Well, only the rich can answer this question. Bill Gates has been stationed at second position for some time as the world’s richest person just after Jeff Bezos who has been a top seed all throughout the year, 2020.
Elon Musk, a potential Martian in the future has recently added a neat $100.3 billion to his total net worth and has dethroned Bill Gates as the world’s second-richest person.

Musk’s total net worth reached $127.9 billion on Monday after an increase of $7.24 billion, Bloomberg Billionaires Index reports. The wealth rise is largely orchestrated by a surge in Tesla’s share price.
At the beginning of 2020, Musk ranked at 35th on Bloomberg Billionaires Index. It’s a ranking website of the world’s 500 richest people. Since January, Elon Musk has added $100 billion to his net worth making it by far the highest on the index.

Bill Gates also added $14.5 to his total net worth this year. His net worth is 127.7 billion. In the index eight-year history, it is only the second time Bill Gates has ranked below second place. He dominated the top spot till 2017.