Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror is a retelling of Snow White which is a fairytale classic. It is going to be a fun movie because of its cast, picture quality and the way it has been made. It is going to be one of those movies that all age groups can enjoy. Mirror Mirror has a good cast with Julia Roberts playing the evil step mother and the queen’s role. A lot of her fans are anxiously waiting for the movie to come out.
Lily Colins is playing the role of Snow White. Seven courageous dwarfs are also there to keep the snow white tradition alive. The movie is going to be colorful and a lot of fun for everyone. The story is pretty much the same. Armie Hammer is playing the role of the Prince. The critics are not very happy with the movie or Julia’s acting and they feel that the passion of this fairy tale is not there. They also feel that Julia’s role is semi-funny and semi-unserious which basically means it is confused. Even then people would want to watch the movie and it will not be all that bad.
Mirror Mirror is going to be a fun watch especially with family and kids.