Meet the Richest Oprah Winfrey

Oprah winfrey is multi dimensional women. She is confident, kind hearted, feeling intelligence and know how to control what people thinks. That’s the key secret behind her Show. Oprah winfrey show makes her what she ever desired for. At the time she was declared as only black billionaire in USA. Many magazines and independent organizations termed Oprah winfrey as most influential entertainment industry personality, since she have effective say in US government too.
Readers, you will be amazed to know that Oprah winfrey the famous, powerful, rich and influential celebrity of today have been through hardest of her life when she was a child. Oprah winfrey was born to single mother in rural areas of Mississippi. At age of 9 she was raped. Later on she started doing job as young announcer at radio evening transmission, and the journey to have notable place in huge entertainment industry of USA started.
Oprah winfrey proved her very well in that evening show that her producers gave her chance to host the day time talk show. Her fame increased day by day and one day she decided to have her own production house that decision took her to peak of fame and wealth. She focuses on literature and self improvement techniques in her show. At times her show becomes so emotional and that really works not only to catch people’s attention but to increase her show ratings too. Oprah winfrey from 2006 to 2008 supported Obama in his presidential contest campaign and it’s believed that she earned Obama necessary votes to declare his victory.
Knowing Winfrey is really interesting when we look at her romantic life, we see a lot of relationships and a lot of break ups at same time. Winfrey quoted that in a relationship she tries to find the feelings of self acceptance. She needs that sense of importance from every man she meet, and at the end of the day she is left alone when man dump her saying “you are very selfish” while Oprah Winfrey always repsond in a very polite way saying “thank You. You are very right.”
Oprah winfrey become millionaire so early in her life. She was declared wealthy at age of 32. At age of 41; her show brought her $340 dollars. She has been continuously rated in richest celebrity list every year since 1995. According to a survey Oprah winfrey was listed as highly paid entertainer. She earns $2700 million per year.
Journey of fame and wealth is still in progress by Oprah winfrey. She is unique yet thief of heart, knowing the pain of sufferings of people and that makes her successful. Also read here Sarah Jessica Parker as Hollywood’s Richest Celebrity.