Selena Gomez worried Justin Bieber will get Movie Revenge

A production insider told the Daily Star Sunday newspaper: “There are some cringe-inducing moments like when she goes to kiss him but spills her ice cream all over his crotch. “And there are plenty of scenes where she’s yelling at him over his behaviour which, if edited, would make her look like the princess of bitches.
“Selena has moved on since their split but he doesn’t seem to have done so. She’s desperately worried he’ll try to exact some sort of revenge on screen.” Although she signed an all-access deal for the first documentary, she is apparently now regretting not insisting any unused footage was destroyed or needed her approval to be used. Another source added: “Selena has pleaded with Paramount to help her keep her unused scenes from last year out of Justin’s follow-up film.” (C) BANG Media International –