Nick Lachey was caught on camera shouting out photographer and snatching her phone

Credit: Getty Images
Famous men behaving badly had a big day on Sunday. At the same time that Will Smith and Chris Rock were creating history at the Academy Awards with their world-famous slap, another celebrity was becoming famous on camera. Nick Lachey was caught on camera verbally harassing and trying to grab a camera from a female photographer.
Nick went out on a female paparazzo who had been following him and his wife, Vanessa Lachey, home from dinner, according to a video obtained by TMZ. As they walked out of Mastro’s Steakhouse, the photographer was clicking photos of the Love is Blind cohosts.
Nick was seen punching the woman’s car as he yelled at her.
Nick appears to advance on her car, calling her a “p—-y mother f——r,” before punching her glass in what must have been a terrifying moment for the photographer. Nick’s wife was also present during the incident and was heard yelling at the woman to open her car door.
That wasn’t the end of the incident because Nick went back and tried to snatch the woman’s phone.
The woman rolled down her window and asked Nick what his problem was once he was a safe distance away. According to TMZ, Nick took advantage of the situation and lunged back toward her car, sticking his hand through the open window and attempting to pull the woman’s phone from her grasp.
Later, the photographer told the news agency that she smelled alcohol on Nick’s breath, which could have led to his apparently unprovoked attack.
Nick later apologized for his childish and dangerous behavior.
He apologized on his official Twitter account on Monday, stating he had been harassed by the woman while walking back to his hotel.
“I clearly overreacted,” he wrote. “I’ve been in this game long enough to know that [the paparazzi’s] antics are sadly part of the deal. Stupid of me. Done.”
In response to his apology, he stated that any claims made by TMZ or other media sources that he “got physical” with the photographer should be seen as both incorrect and reckless.
Fans have had a mixed response to the incident.
On a night when high-profile men seemed to erupt under duress, Nick’s assault on a photographer didn’t seem to make much of an impression. While some people urged Nick to consider how he would respond if another man did the same thing to Vanessa, others appeared to empathize with him over celebrities’ lack of privacy.
Nick had nothing to gain and everything to lose, so maybe he learned a great lesson about controlling his temper.