Kristen Stewart calls Hollywood’s efforts at gender equality ‘phony’

 Kristen Stewart calls Hollywood’s efforts at gender equality ‘phony’


Kristen Stewart has recently voiced her criticism of Hollywood’s prejudice against female filmmakers. In an interview with Porter Magazine, the Twilight star condemned the film industry for self-congratulating despite providing limited opportunities to only a small group of women directors.

Stewart highlighted the industry’s superficial progress, pointing out that the acknowledgment of a few women filmmakers does not equate to meaningful change. She emphasized the importance of broadening opportunities and recognizing the contributions of women in various creative roles.

“[There’s a] thinking that we can check these little boxes, and then do away with the patriarchy, and how we’re all made of it,” she said. Kristen told the outlet, “It’s easy for them to be like, ‘Look what we’re doing. We’re making Maggie Gyllenhaal’s movie! We’re making Margot Robbie’s movie!’ And you’re like, ‘OK, cool. You’ve chosen four.’”

“If we’re congratulating each other for broadening perspective when we haven’t really done enough, then we stop broadening,” she stated. “Even if we’re still emotionally violent towards women right now, it’s so much more passive-aggressive… [Before] it was just straight up,” reflected the Adventureland actress. The Spencer star remarked, “And I’m in awe of those women, I love those women [but] it feels phony.”

The actress also discussed how women are treated in the public eye. She reflected on the emotional violence still directed toward women, describing it as more “passive-aggressive” than before. “Even if we’re still emotionally violent towards women right now, it’s so much more passive-aggressive… [Before] it was just straight up,” she remarked.

“As an actor, I’m called upon to serve other people’s visions. You get greedy; it feels good to be called upon… even if you don’t love the thing,” stated the Lizzie actress. Kristen added, “I think it’s nice that, as I’ve gotten older, I would much prefer to tailor my experiences to result-oriented goals, versus, just, ‘This is gonna feel good for me right now.’”

In addition to criticizing Hollywood’s prejudices, Stewart announced her plans to make her directorial debut with an adaptation of Lidia Yuknavitch’s memoir The Chronology of Water. Stewart expressed excitement about the project and her desire to bring Yuknavitch’s story to life on the big screen.

The memoir, which details Yuknavitch’s struggles with addiction, family trauma, and finding her identity, resonates deeply with Stewart. She described the project as an opportunity to share an important and relatable story with audiences.

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