John Mayer’s Dreams Came True Twice

He told “I thought I’d just take a pill and it would go away, but the problem got worse and worse and grew and grew. “I probably had contiguously three, maybe four months of not saying a word. The endurance was tough for me, but I started a new life.” Doctors initially tried to treat the problem by injecting his vocal cords with a huge amount of Botox, which left them paralysed and him unable to speak for weeks.
He said: “I was forced to type on my iPad to communicate anything. It wasn’t liberating. Is breaking your leg liberating? No. All complexity is gone when you don’t have a choice. “I spent so long being terrorised, I had all but shut down the fantasy of playing music again-just so I could, you know, survive.” But John was relieved when the condition slowly started to improve when he took some time off and meant he didn’t need to undergo surgery.
He said: “It’s hard to believe that I’m healed, but just to make sure, I keep going back every two weeks for a look, and it’s the same – if not better. “The greatest gift I now have in my life is the opportunity to play again, which is also the opportunity to dream again. My dreams were in escrow, but when I found out these things in my throat had receded, the most exciting thing for me was having a second chance at a new life. My dreams have come true twice. That’s really cool.” – Femalefirst