Singer Rihanna
Celebrities Birthdays

Birthday Cheers for Rihanna

Singer Rihanna

Very warm wishes for Rihanna on turning 24 years old on her birthday today.

The famous R&B singer Rihanna was born on February 20, 1988 in Saint Michael, Barbados. She is widely known for her exceptional singing style.

Rihanna released her debut studio album, Music of the Sun in 2005 that was listed in the top ten of the Billboard 200 chart. Later on, she released many other albums and also won various awards such as five American Music Awards, 18 Billboard Music Awards and six Grammy Awards.

Billboard also named Rihanna the Digital Songs Artist of the 2000s decade.  Till January 2012, Rihanna sold approximately 47.6 million digital singles in the United States. She has also sold more than 60 million singles and 20 million albums that makes her the best selling artists of all time.

Many many happy returns of the day and many birthday cheers for Rihanna.

(Photo Credit: Getty Images(Photo Credit: Getty ImagesPhoto: WSET ABC 13/YoutubeUpper Darby Police Department).

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