Trump Lashes Out at Kamala Harris After Reports of Empty Seats at Pennsylvania Rally

 Trump Lashes Out at Kamala Harris After Reports of Empty Seats at Pennsylvania Rally

Joe Raedle/Getty Images; Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump once again fixated on crowd sizes, this time responding to reports that some attendees were seen leaving his Pennsylvania rally while he was still speaking. According to USA Today reporter Zac Anderson, who was covering the event, a number of Trump’s supporters began to “trickle out” of the rally as it went past the one-hour mark, leading to more empty seats in the venue.

The video of the dwindling crowd quickly gained attention, with Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign team sharing Anderson’s footage on social media. They commented, “Trump’s audience is exiting as he rambles incoherently in Pennsylvania, leaving even more empty seats.”

Although the report originated from Anderson, Trump directed his ire solely at Harris. In a lengthy social media post, he denied the claims about the rally’s attendance and accused Harris of spreading misinformation.

“We had to turn away lots of people yesterday in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, but Comrade Kamala Harris’ Social Media Operation showed empty seats, long before the Rally started, early in the afternoon when, in actuality, we had to turn away 11,500 people!” Trump wrote. “She’s a Crooked Radical Left Politician, and always will be! Everything she touches turns bad, just like California, and San Francisco before it—as is the case with all Marxists.”

Trump didn’t stop there. He escalated his attack by accusing Harris of being unfit for the vice presidency and of conspiring with prominent Democrats to undermine President Joe Biden.

“She should have never been Vice President, and had to stage a COUP of Joe Biden, with her America-hating friends, Barrack Hussein Obama, Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, and the rest,” Trump continued. “Comrade Kamala is a STONE COLD LOSER, she will fail, if she doesn’t, our Country will cease to exist as we know it, turning into a Communist, Crime-Ridden Garbage Dump.”

In a separate post, Trump doubled down on his attacks against Harris, calling her a liar and suggesting she should not be allowed to run for office. “She is a LIAR, and shouldn’t even be allowed to run for Office!” he added.

Trump’s outburst reflects his ongoing preoccupation with crowd sizes, a recurring theme throughout his political career, and his readiness to blame his opponents for any perceived slights or setbacks. As the 2024 election cycle intensifies, such confrontations are likely to continue, showcasing the deep divisions in the current political landscape.

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