Trump’s Legal Team Claims No Need for Trial Preparation, Citing His Innocence

 Trump’s Legal Team Claims No Need for Trial Preparation, Citing His Innocence

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Alina Habba, the legal spokesperson for Donald Trump, recently implied that the former U.S. president doesn’t need to prepare for his impending criminal trials. She based this stance on the belief that Trump committed no wrongdoing and his intelligence.

However, legal experts have pointed to a substantial amount of evidence lined up against Trump for the upcoming trials. This includes witness accounts, documented trails, audio recordings, and video footage highlighting his actions. Despite these looming challenges, Trump’s defense seems to center around the argument of his innocence.

Habba’s comments were on the optimistic side, emphasizing Trump’s favorable poll numbers in the Republican primary. In the same breath, she proposed that the indictments against Trump might be a tactical move to preoccupy him ahead of the 2024 elections.

Transcript via Fox News Sunday:

BREAM: Yeah, we’re going to talk about some of that back and forth with the House GOP now pressing on Jack Smith and on Fani Willis about that with our legal panel.

But let me ask you this, the logistics. You saw the timeline there. That’s in the middle of running for president, caucuses, primaries.

How do you logistically handle, you know, prepping a client for all those different trials and running for president of the United States?

HABBA: Yeah. If it was a normal person, honestly, Shannon I could understand the concern. President Trump is not your average person. He’s incredibly intelligent and he knows the ropes. He also knows the facts because he lived them.

These are — these are not complicated facts. Look at Fani — it was a phone call, a phone call that’s been around forever, that he refers to as a perfect phone call.

What is going to have to be prepped for? The truth? You don’t have to prep much when you’ve done nothing wrong. So, that I’m not concerned with.

These trial dates also are going to move. It’s unrealistic. It’s theatrics. And no judge is going to say that you could be on two trials at once in two different states but a lot of these overlap. They look at the start date of the trial.

But these are four to six-week trials at the least. So, there’s no way they’re not going to overlap. I mean, they’re going to have to go into October, November of next year, again, by design.

But in terms of President Trump, the candidate, I have zero concerns.


Contrary to the idea of a strategy to hinder his 2024 campaign, Trump’s actions appear inconsistent. Rather than hastening the trial process, Trump’s legal maneuvers seem geared towards prolonging and delaying proceedings.

While Habba’s words reflect confidence, they stand in contrast to the tactics employed by Trump’s legal representation. If these comments are a reflection of Trump’s defense strategy, the trials ahead could prove challenging for him.

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