This Underdog Green Could Give You an Athletic Edge

You’re down with spinachOpens a New Window. and kaleOpens a New Window., and you may even flirt with chard on occasion. But if you routinely pass by the pile of watercress at the farmers market, you’re making a mistake. The green is a nutrition power house—especially for the fitness minded.
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For starters, it’s high in antioxidantsOpens a New Window., compounds that promote recovery after exercise. A study in the British Journal of Nutrition found that guys who exercised hard, then ate a handful of watercress every day for two months, showed fewer signs of cell damage than those who skipped the green. Their bodies were repairing themselves faster from the tough workouts—probably due to those antioxidants, researchers think. It also meant that the plant eaters were ready sooner for their next high intensityOpens a New Window. bout. Leafy Greens Minimize Damage Caused By Workouts Opens a New Window. Plus, watercress has a ton of two antioxidants in particular—vitamins AOpens a New Window. and K.
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Those help build healthy bones and tissue, boost the immune system, and maintain eye health. Watercress is in season, so grab a bunch (or three). Store it in a perforated bag and eat it soon—it goes bad quickly. Add watercress to sandwiches and stir-fries; mince it with garlic, olive oil, walnuts, salt, and pepper for pesto; and toss it in salads. Some even swear it’s a hangover cureOpens a New Window.. Only one way to find out.