Business Horoscope February 19 to February 24

Business Horoscope Febuary

Aries HoroscopeAries Business Horoscope

Until next week’s Full Moon in your work sector reveals any remaining twists, keep your mind and your options open, with the gods having one more wildcard up their sleeve before you can truly call this new professional year on its way. While you should already have a clear sense of your overall professional objectives and there is a need to hold onto your Business desires and expectations, it’s on the work front that the details of when, where and how are still playing out. In the meantime, keep your mind and options open, but also start putting bold new ideas together, coming up with a game plan that leaves room for flexibility but enough substance that you have something to work with. This is a good week for talks, making plans, communications or submitting paperwork or applications.

Taurus HoroscopeTaurus Business Horoscope

With the Sun leaving your Business sector on Tuesday move into your new working week with your eyes open and your head out of the sand, dealing with facts and ‘what is’ rather than ‘what ifs’. It’s only after the Sun leaves that you have all your options on the table and an authentic starting point that Venus will step in and do her thing, which is when the process of wrapping things up will begin. When Venus leaves your Business sector next Tuesday, just 7 days behind the Sun, there’ll be no more planetary activity here for the rest of the year, with her professional desires and expectations having the final say. The Moon’s return to your income sector on Monday will give you a nose for money as the focus shifts from the Sun’s reality checks to Venus’ desires and expectations.

Gemini HoroscopeGemini Business Horoscope

Another week and another twist, with a familiar story not only being repeated this week but for weeks to come before everything is finally out on the table. With Saturn turning retrograde in your work sector on Tuesday and Mercury in your Business sector over the weekend, opening the door to second chances on both fronts, this will throw out the anchors and attempt to slow things down. But with Mars moving into his final few weeks in your Business sector and your
professional passions and fighting spirit engaged, as far as he’s concerned there’s no time to slow down. This could have created some confusion if it wasn’t for the Sun’s return to your Business sector on Tuesday and the clarity and transparency this brings. With the lights on you’ll find it a lot easier to pick your battles wisely.

Cancer HoroscopeCancer Business Horoscope

As Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos draws nearer to his first visit to your Business sector in 2 years and only his second encounter with Uranus here in 80 years, there is likely to be a growing sense of anticipation and some uncertainty. Chances are your antennas are already up and as you start to sense that changes and shifts ahead your imagination is likely to be filling in the blanks. Steer this in a positive direction, for anxiety and excitement can feel very similar and it’s easy to confuse one for the other. This is definitely something to get excited about, with the coming months holding some of the most exciting professional conditions since early 2011. While you’re waiting take care of any housekeeping and get a sense of where the money is.

Leo HoroscopeLeo Business Horoscope

As you move into the new working week the Moon is still in your Business sector but only just and leaving on Monday it’s important to move into the week with your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. Even after the Moon moves on, like a bell that can’t be unrung and with your professional instincts sharp, you’ll be left with a wealth of valuable clues, hunches and insights that you’re able to process in your own time. What is so important about the Moon’s monthly visits to your Business sector is the intuitive sense this gives you as to whether you’re on track and the clues needed to get back on track if you’ve veered off course, or to recognise any new trails coming up. Keep alert and respond to the clues and road signs on the way, ready for when opportunity crosses your path.

Virgo HoroscopeVirgo Business Horoscope

By the time the Sun leaves your work sector on Tuesday everything should be out in the open and whether you like what you see or not, what you see is what you get. By this point you will know what you’re dealing with and have to work with, but this isn’t quite the end of the story, with Venus keeping things in play for another week. Once Venus leaves your work sector next week there’ll be no more planetary activity here until 2014, with your heart and a clear sense of knowing what you do and don’t want having the last say. While you’re finalising your desires and expectations on the work front things are just beginning to unfold on the Business front as a whole, with the Moon’s return to your Business sector on Monday bringing the first clues on what lies ahead.

Libra HoroscopeLibra Business Horoscope

In what could be a confusing week on the professional front it’s the Sun and Moon that provide the right amount of clarity and perspective, in what is a case of perfect timing. With Saturn turning retrograde in your income sector on Tuesday and Mercury turning retrograde in your work sector over the weekend this is going to slow things down, shift some of your focus onto the past and open the door to second chances on both fronts. Yet with Mars now in his final weeks in your work sector he’s slowing down for no one, with the relentless and frenetic pace still there. The Sun’s return to your work sector on Tuesday turns the lights on and gets everything out in the open, while the Moon’s return to your Business sector mid week will sharpen your professional instincts.

Scorpio HoroscopeScorpio Business Horoscope

As the week progresses things will become clearer, especially when the Moon returns to your Business sector over the weekend, coming full circle from last month’s Full Moon. While this is when your long term professional objectives and outlook will become a lot clearer, on the work front there are likely to be a lot of unanswered questions and even some confusion. As Mars draws closer to his first visit to your work sector in 2 years there is likely to be a growing sense of change in the air, feeling in your bones that something is about to shift. However, with Mars still 3 weeks away and not returning until next month as yet those shifts are still around the corner and out of view, giving you nothing solid to focus on. This is where some blind faith is required and patience.

Sagittarius HoroscopeSagittarius Business Horoscope

As you move into the new week the Moon is just wrapping up his monthly visit to your work sector, making it important to move in with your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground and from the get go to trust what your instincts and both emotional and intuitive responses to job matters are telling you. This is less about any game changing revelations and more a chance to check that you’re on track and that as conditions change your attitudes and approaches are evoking as well. It’s these monthly visits from the Moon that are lining you up for the opportunities ahead. While the big work opportunities won’t start unfolding until April, when they do they could be game changing, with your instincts and hunches starting to line you up in front of the right doors before they open.

Capricorn HoroscopeCapricorn Business Horoscope

While the Moon visits your work sector once a month, providing the clues and hunches that allow you to check in with the conditions in play and any important insight you need to be aware of, his return on Monday is a little more important. For this will be the Moon’s first visit to your work sector since Jupiter turned direct late last month and therefore since the tide turned. As well as giving you a chance to tap into the direction the current is now moving in and whether you’re on track, this is a chance to break any hold the past still has on you. Your emotional and intuitive responses to matters on the work, job and employment front provide the leverage to get anything stuck moving and to nudge things back on track. In the early days of the week you’ll find some valuable clues.

Aquarius HoroscopeAquarius Business Horoscope

As you move into the new week do so gingerly and without pushing or rushing anything, instead staying in the moment and happy to remain in what is likely to resemble a pregnant pause. For Monday is Saturn’s last full day in direct motion and at a standstill ahead of his retrograde turn on Tuesday there’s a need for you to remain in the moment as well. This is slowing things down and brings a need for patience, yet while this will put Saturn in retrograde motion for the next 5 months this won’t mean losing sight of where you’re going. The Moon’s return to your work sector mid week will give you an intuitive edge in Saturn’s early days in retrograde motion in your Business sector and as Mercury prepares to turn retrograde in your income sector and the doors open to second chances.

Pisces HoroscopePisces Business Horoscope

With the most important information and insight not likely to come until the end of the week, for the most part this is a week for keeping your mind and your options open. It’s the Moon’s return to your work sector over the weekend that will put a lot of things into context, both in terms of where you’ve been and where you’re going. This will see the Moon come full circle from last month’s Full Moon, making sense of what might not have made sense at the time. While a Full Moon will bring things to a head or to a tipping or turning point, it’s often not until the Moon returns that all the different pieces of the puzzle come together. This is the Moon’s last visit to your work sector before new doors open on the income, giving you a chance to put income and work objectives on the same page.

Via: Astrolis

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